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"Alright guys, your assignment this week is about your future. What you're going to do, where you're going to go and if you're going to stay like you are." Mr. Schue said as he spun around and looked at everyone. He took note of the hint of sadness but a lot of joy. Quinn spoke up. "Whatever happens, I hope that we never change than we already have." "Change isn't something to fear but after everything this year, we could use it, embrace it. Change can bring new things but you know what, I'm happy to announce that I am changing some things up right...now." Silence fell before tiny giggles sounded off along with light footsteps and everyone couldn't fight the smiles and awes as Blaine came around the doorway and into the room, hunched down as Lucas walked or rather stumbled into the room with the biggest smile on his face. The smile grew when he saw Finn and fell to hold onto Blaine's leg. "Fi!!" Lucas fell and proceeded to crawl across the floor to Finn as fast as he could. Everyone awed and giggled as they watched Lucas reach Finn and scream in laughter as Finn launched Lucas up and caught him before hugging the toddler close. Lucas hugged back before sitting back and waved when Quinn waved to him. Everyone faced the room and smiled bigger when Blaine brought in Kurt and everyone cheered. Mr. Schue smiled and pointed to the couple. "Let's give a warm welcome back to one Kurt Anderson Hummel."

Kurt smiled and bowed, accepting a huge hug from Mr. Schue. Soon he let go and took Blaine's hand as they stood side by side quietly. Kurt looked at all of his friends before speaking. "I don't even know where to begin except that I'm ready to rejoin fully if you guys will have me again. I'm sorry I've gotten into fights and arguments with the jocks, I'm sorry that I was afraid to sing again because to be honest I really miss it. Do you guys forgive me?" Kurt asked nervously. Santana stood with her arms crossed before her smirk turned into a smile and she walked down to Kurt, standing before him. Kurt looked at her before she wrapped her arms around him tight. "Welcome back." "It's good to be back." Santana let him go after kissing his cheek and went to sit down. Kurt took a deep breath before he looked at Brad. Music began to swell lightly as Kurt faced front and sang.

I hear the wind call my name
The sound that leads me home again
It sparks up the fire - a flame that still burns
To you I will always return

I know the road is long but where you are is home
Wherever you stay - I'll find the way
I'll run like the river, I'll follow the sun
I'll fly like an eagle to where I belong

Everyone smiled with love in their eyes while Lucas looked up at Blaine who kissed his head sweetly. Lucas looked at Kurt is amazement as his father sung higher and came to him slowly.

I can't stand the distance - I can't dream alone
I can't wait to see you - Yes I'm on my way home

Kurt lifted Lucas up and rubbed his nose against his, making the boy giggle before Kurt began to slow dance with his son with a smile on his face.

Now I know it's true
My every road leads to you
And in the hour of darkness
Your light gets me through

You run like the river - you shine like the sun
You fly like an eagle
You are the one
I've seen every sunset
And with all that I've learned
Oh, it's to you I will always, always return

Kurt couldn't resist spinning carefully as he sung with Lucas in his arms. Tears had fell down the girls' faces and Blaine's while the guys gazed with pride as father and son danced. Kurt looked at Lucas with love as he cradled his son to his chest and sung the last few notes with his eyes closed and cheek pressed to Lucas's soft curls. The music soon died down and Kurt stopped swaying to open his eyes and look at everyone before they began to clap and cheer. Kurt soon held up a finger and put Lucas down as Blaine kneeled on the ground not too far ahead of them. Finn smiled as he knew what was going to happen but everyone was in disbelief. "He better not do what I think he's going to do. Kurt, if he does it..." Mercedes started but then Lucas cut her off as he started to move one foot and everyone gasped, hands flying to their mouths or hearts. Kurt let go and Lucas began to move slowly on his feet towards Blaine who had open arms. The girls including Santana couldn't help but squeal and the guys drop their jaws in amazement as Lucas laughed and began to walk to Blaine. Blaine smiled proudly as his son, his mixed perfect carbon copy of he and Kurt landed in his arms and smiled up at him with a proud smile, eyes lit up like the sun and when he lifted him up, he looked at Kurt who came over with the same smile and light in his eyes. The bell rang and Lucas jumped, hiding his face which made the club awe before they left. Kurt grabbed their bags and kissed Lucas' nose. Lucas laughed and scrunched up his nose like he's seen Kurt do before and the action made Kurt laugh as Blaine walked out and Kurt followed. "So does this mean that you are okay with him being with us today? Aren't you worried?" Blaine asked as he opened his locker and exchanged the books he needed while holding Lucas up. Lucas just looked around with his head on Blaine's shoulder and two fingers backside in his mouth. Kurt smiled and rubbed his hand down his back. "Of course I'm worried but there is no way I'm sending Lucas to daycare with kids who have lice, your parents can't babysit and neither can mine. Lastly, our general babysitters are here. Jack and Lisa are all the way up north and honestly, I miss my little canary. They can't touch us, remember?" Kurt took Blaine's free hand and Blaine smiled, ducking his head before looking at Kurt with love in his eyes. "Alright, but we text each other and meet at lunch. Got it?" Kurt nodded and held out his hands for their son. Blaine chuckled and kissed Lucas' cheek before giving him to Kurt. Lucas yawned quietly before blinking tiredly. Kurt smiled warmly before carefully adjusting. "Now I just have to stay awake for Math. We will see you at Lunch." Blaine nodded and squeezed Kurt's hand gently. "Please be careful." "We will. I love you." "Love you too."

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