Starlight, Shine bright

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Blaine walked over to the crib where a sprawled out Lucas lied and gently brushed some curls from his son's forehead. They were like his own curls but had Kurt's texture. Looking at Lucas in this light, he had their mixed complexion, Kurt's chestnut colored hair color, Blaine's curls, Blaine's nose, Kurt's cheekbones and when Lucas opened his eyes, his eye color would shift blue to green, green to hazel and then would mix to make this beautiful rainbow shade. But Lucas was asleep now, dreaming in peace but that didn't stop Blaine from picking up his son carefully and held him close to his chest as he carried him to the couch and laid down, putting Lucas on his chest. He turned on some movie but kept the sound soft so he wouldn't wake Lucas. Soft footsteps began to make their way down the stairs, too soft to be Kurt, Burt or Finn which left Carole. He turned his head and smiled up at Carole who was in her robe. She was looking at the sleeping Lucas who had shifted so his forehead was on the side of Blaine's neck and Blaine's loose nightshirt was balled up in his tiny fists. His mouth was adorably open and Blaine could already feel drool wetting his shirt but he didn't have the heart to tear Lucas away.

Carole smiled and gently stroked Lucas's hair and back but the boy still slept on. Blaine kissed Lucas's hair, leaving his lips there for a moment. Mentally he made a silent wish that nothing would harm this angel like life had to his parents. He wished that he and Kurt would live long enough to maybe have more children and see them grow. He hoped that maybe when his son and future children were grown enough, the world will have grown to be better. Blaine heard a sniffle before he felt arms wrap around him. He didn't even know he was crying until he felt the tears sting his eyes and slip down his cheeks. He dropped his head on Carole's shoulder as he cried, letting all of his pain, his frustration, his fear and all the pent up emotions of that day. Just as it was clear to Finn, it was more clear to Carole that Blaine, as young and mature as a 19 year old man- man, not boy-, could be...he had quite the heavy bag on his shoulder. Ever since the hockey jocks spray painted the house, broke in but didn't take anything, Kurt seemed to be reverting back to when he was six months pregnant with Lucas along with pulling away from Blaine as if hiding something, Blaine was trying to hide every tear, every thought of anger and the motion to punch something from Lucas so he wouldn't upset or scare his son. Blaine had been holding back more than he could hold onto and all of that was tearing the man apart.

"Sweetheart, I don't know how I can say this but perhaps what you need is a break. Time to relax and breathe. You've been holding up everything with your marriage, Lucas, securing you and Kurt's home, making sure the colleges you and Kurt will be attending can accommodate your schedules so one of you have the baby. Not to mention that you have school to finish and Graduation around the corner. Blaine...honey..." Carole ran her hand through Blaine's curls while Blaine sniffled and kept Lucas close. He looked at Carole with the saddest eyes. She cupped his cheeks and stroked his cheekbones. " can't go on like this." Carole had drew Blaine back into her arms for a few moments more before she took Lucas with silent permission and put the slumbering boy in his crib, kissed his head and covered him up. She then turned to Blaine and helped him up.

"You are going to rest, I will take Kurt to school and Burt will take Lucas to daycare. After that, I will be coming back here and you and I will have a day together. Okay?" Carole said with finality in her tone. Blaine nodded and Carole sent him back to bed. Blaine quietly headed upstairs and to Kurt's bedroom where Kurt was curled up in bed deep asleep but worry etched on his face. Blaine sighed and turned to get into bed but he stopped short of Kurt's side. Normally he'd turn the other way and fall asleep but looking at Kurt, seeing the strength leave his body, just killed Blaine. Blaine didn't care if Kurt couldn't hear him but he had to speak. So Blaine kneeled down by Kurt's side and took his hand that had his wedding ring. "You've always talked about moving forward, being strong together as a unit, as a makeshift family deeper than the ones we have and deeper than the glee club. Burt told me that ever since you were little, you were an embodiment of your mom. Strength, fierceness and love mixed into one and now when I look at Lucas, I see him in you." Blaine sniffled and hid his mouth in their hands. "I know that we've been in hell and I know that we are not over it yet but Kurt...Kurt we can't go backwards. Please, please don't leave me again. Stay, come back to me. I need my best friend and my husband back." Blaine sniffled and swallowed back a sob as he lowered his forehead into his husband's  neck, tears falling onto Kurt's skin. "Come bother me again."

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