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Blaine parked his car and turned the engine off before turning to look at Kurt who was taking slow breaths. Finn leaned forward and placed a hand on his brother's shoulder slowly. Kurt closed his eyes to the touch and that's when he quivered. Blaine gripped his hand and stroked it with his thumb.

"Are you sure you wanna do this Kurt? We can go back to your house and do this next week." Blaine asked. Kurt shook his head and opened his eyes.

"I'm fine. Really."

"You remember the plan?" Finn asked, not sounding so convinced by Kurt.

"Stick close, wait for either you, Puck, Quinn or Blaine to get me from class, text if I feel sick and use my note, have at least Puck or Quinn or Blaine by me at my locker and don't go anywhere alone."

"And you know why we have this plan?" Blaine asked.

"To protect the baby from Them." Kurt says, looking down at his bump and wraps his arms protectively around it. That was what was worrying him about. He was already being bullied for his sexuality but add a baby to the mix and he hopes that no one will harm his baby. His sweet, innocent baby. A tear slips down his cheek at the thought and Finn rubs his shoulder. Kurt tries to voice his fear but he couldn't seem to get it out. Blaine kisses his cheek over and over while putting his hand protectively on the bump.

"Shh shh it's okay." Blaine says. Finn gets out and opens the door for Kurt but also stops and puts a hand on Kurt's bump.

They finally got him out and with careful planning he wore an oversized loose sweater and not too skinny skinny jeans so he looked normal. Blaine refused to let Kurt's hand go when they walked by the jocks, when they walked through the halls and even when Puck and Quinn joined the ranks. Kurt got his books and Blaine gave him a hug. Normally Kurt would care about the amount of PDA they'd show but threw it out the window. He needs this. He holds on tight before Blaine lets go and strokes his cheek.

"Remember walk close to Quinn at the end of class and then you'll switch with Finn and then Puck and finally me. You have a change of clothes in case you get slushied?" Blaine said. Kurt nodded and gave him a smile. Blaine kissed his forehead and murmured.

"I love you both so much. Courage, okay?"

The bell rang and Blaine watched as Quinn and Kurt headed for their English class, Finn headed for Spanish and Puck waited for Quinn to send a text confirmation before he and Blaine headed for Algebra. Puck's phone made a beep and he pulled it out to see a message from Quinn.

Quinn: We're in.

90 minutes later while Quinn and Kurt were waiting for Finn to show up, Quinn found herself staring at Kurt's stomach. She wasn't close to him before but when she heard about his predicament, well she owed it to herself to help him out. Kurt finally broke the silence.

"I know you probably think I'm crazy for doing this."

"Doing what?" She asks.

"Going through with this...pregnancy. The truth is I thought about doing...that. But..." He sighs and puts a hand to his stomach.

"You can't." Quinn finished for him. Kurt just nodded. "I understand. I was the same with Beth. I don't think you're crazy for doing this. In fact I think it's quite brave. You've gone through so much and now this? I wish I was as brave as you." She hugs him and Kurt hugs back. Finn finally shows up and walks with Quinn and Kurt to Kurt's next class and walks with him the rest of the way when Quinn gives Kurt a hand squeeze and bids the boys goodbye as she walks in her Algebra class and Finn takes Kurt to French. The rest of the day was just Finn trading with Puck and Puck trading with Blaine. Kurt had only gotten slushied once and Quinn quickly took him to change and texted Blaine.

Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt's shoulder when they took their seats in the back with Quinn and Puck flanking them on one side and Finn on the other side. Mr. Schue went on about Regionals and how they'd change things up so he put another assignment on the board. 'Devotion' Then came the dancing and Kurt was trying to keep up but to him, everything seemed to move really fast and blurry. His ears plugged and unplugged before he tried to hold onto Finn's shirt and started to lurch. Everyone stopped and Kurt tried to hold the bile back but he felt his stomach give and he ran quickly for the bathroom. Quinn ran after him. She had a lot of experience in this field and plus her social status would protect Kurt a bit more.

She entered the empty girls' bathroom and locked the door behind her. Kurt was kneeling in front of a toilet, dry heaving and tried to will himself not to puke but it came up regardless and he vomited. Quinn wet a paper towel and pressed it to his temple and cheeks as he sat up. She rubbed his back in small circles as he continued up chucking until nothing was left. She wiped his tears.

"Thanks Quinn." Kurt said, sniffling. She wipes his mouth and gives him a mint.

"Anytime Kurt. Ready to go back?" She helped him stand and take a few steps around the bathroom before he said he was ready to head back. The two walked in arm in arm and Blaine smiles at the pair as Kurt explains that he's okay and goes to sit next to Blaine. Blaine put an arm around his waist and pulled him close.

"You okay?" Blaine whispered. Kurt looked at him and nodded, smiling. Glee was dismissed and Quinn and Finn walked with Kurt and Blaine to their lockers and then to the parking lot. Kurt thanked everyone for their effort and hugged Quinn. She hugged back.

"Good luck Kurt. You're really going to need it."

"Thank you Quinn. See you tomorrow?"

"Bright and on time. Text me if you need any advice. You too Blaine."

The trio left with Finn driving and Kurt and Blaine in the back seat. Kurt was resting easy until his eyebrows furrowed together. Blaine looked at him.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Nothing with the baby. I just felt like today was too easy. One slushy? No words or anything?" Kurt said.

"But that's good though, right? Maybe they want to leave you alone or found someone else to bully." Finn said.

"Maybe but it just feels off."

"I'm sure whatever it is won't happen." Blaine said.

Kurt sighed and laid his head on Blaine's shoulder and decides to take a nap, his hand clasped in Blaine's and resting on his bump. Blaine whispered as Kurt slept.

"Let the morning sickness begin."

Finn groaned lightly. "He's not going to like that."

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