I'll Be Home For Christmas

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Everyone was setting up the choir room for Christmas as they usually did. The room was full of cheer, laughter and song. There was a giant tree half covered in ornaments, garland and personalized ornaments. Each member got to put one on the tree. Rachel put a gold star, Mercedes put a microphone, Sam put a guitar, Artie put a tiny collectible of Chewbacca, Mike put a tiny dancer, Finn put his drumsticks, Quinn put an angel, Tina put a tiny bell, Santana and Brittany put a picture frame that Brittany made, Puck put a tiny baby bottle that was made out of a tiny shot bottle of Tequila, Blaine put a bow tie and Kurt put a Marc Jacobs boot made of diamonds.

"The tree's looking great you guys! I love it." Mr. Schue said. "It's almost complete. We're just missing something and the star." Tina said. "Baby dolphin's ornament!" Brittany said, smacking her forehead. Kurt and Blaine chuckled, remembering this morning.

"Okay bear, we gotta go to school. Remember to be good and Grandpa Burt is gonna pick you up to bring to Glee Club with us." Kurt said, kneeling with Blaine and straightened Lucas' holiday themed bow tie. The two parents stood to leave after Lucas gave them hugs and turned away when their son's voice rang out. "No..wait." Lucas ran over with two wrapped boxes and Kurt and Blaine kneeled down. Lucas held out the gifts. "Aw, for us bud?" Blaine asked. "Santa told me give presents." Kurt and Blaine took the boxes and opened it to see two sparkling macaroni picture frames and in it was Lucas' way of spelling his name, Kurt's and Blaine's. Behind the plastics was a family picture of Kurt, Blaine and Lucas done in a store in the mall. They all were smiling except Lucas who's face was pure laughter. Kurt tried not to cry as he stared at the tiny ornament snowflake and instead opened his arms for Lucas to run into. Kurt wrapped his arms around Lucas and Blaine around his tiny family as the two smiled. "We love it." Blaine said. "Go on. You got some people waiting for you." Kurt said, letting go and turns Lucas around who sees his friends waiting for him and runs over to greet them. Kurt and Blaine stand and take their leave.

Kurt wiped a stray tear, gently letting go of the ornament from the hold he had on it. Blaine had already put up his ornament that said 'Daddy is best.' Everyone awed at that except Kurt who was still standing by his chair and bag, staring at his photo. Around the cutout was Lucas' backwards scrawl 'Papa is greatest papa in world.' Kurt had to fight back tears as he smiled at the picture of just him and Lucas at home cuddling asleep on the couch. Blaine has taken that photo one day after spending the day with his mom and must've given it to Lucas to put in Kurt's frame. "I love that picture of you two." Quinn said, coming up. She noticed Kurt holding back tears and took his hands, leading him out to the halls before pulling him into a hug. Kurt hugged back and let his tears fall. "I know...it's a lot when they think best of you." Kurt sniffles and pulled back, wiping his cheeks. "It's just...he made this. I don't know why I'm crying when we have dozens of drawings and scribbles but knowing that he made this and he thinks this..." Kurt looked down and smiled. "He was sick that day or rather he had a bad dream and couldn't get to sleep so we stayed up and I did whatever I could to get his mind off of what happened. He finally passed out after a little while." Quinn looked at the picture and smiled. "He
looks so angelic it's insane." Kurt chuckled and sniffled, wiping his eyes. "He's gotten so smart. He can count high, say and sing his ABC's...He's so purely innocent in every way. What if when we move, he'll hate it? Blaine will be crushed." Quinn shook her head. "Blaine loves you both and he would follow you anywhere in the world. If New York isn't your speed after five years, then it's okay. I know you Kurt. You're gonna shine somewhere and I'm sure I'll be walking by a store and see the shirt, pants, jacket or tie my best friend made and say he did it." Kurt blushed and the pair gathered themselves back together before walking back into the choir room. Kurt walked over to the tree and hung up the ornament, smiling with everyone.

"That's so cute!" Tina squealed and smiled, taking a picture. "You are the greatest to him. I cannot even hold a candle to you." Blaine said, pecking Kurt's tear away.

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