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"Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug yeeeeaaahhhh!!! Puckf, givef me mah money!!!" Finn laughed drunkenly as he held out a hand and watched as Puck put a $20 Bill in it. Finn stuffed it in his pocket and Blaine staggered back from the chug station, burped and nearly tripped going to Cooper. Darren and Sam were by the speakers dancing rather magic Mike stripper like to the music. Blaine draped himself over his eldest brother and smiled. Cooper chuckled.

"Having fun lil brother?"

"Yessss. Besssst party ever Cooop. Hey, Hey guess what?" Blaine poked Cooper and made a cute drunk face.

Cooper stopped Blaine's poking and leaned in when his brother beckoned him to. "What?"

"I am going to marry the most gorgeous man in all of America but shhh don't tell Channing Tatum that." Blaine whispered and giggled, stumbling away to get another drink.


"Really Kurt? Another bowl?" Mercedes asked as the pale boy plopped on the couch with yet another bowl of Gummy Bears. He tossed one up in the air and caught it in his mouth, shrugging.

"Not my fault they're so good Mercy."

"Alright. But don't have too many or else you'll get si-too late!"

Kurt ignored her as he ran to the bathroom covering his mouth. He slammed the door shut, fell to his knees and vomited into the toilet. He spit and grimaced as he wiped his mouth and lowered the lid so he could rest his cheek on his folded arms. He must've been sitting there for a while because Lyla knocked and came in quick before closing the door behind her. Kurt opened his red eyes and sniffled.

"Oh Kurt. Honey are you alright?" She kneeled down after wetting a towel and pressed it to Kurt's forehead, cheeks and back of the neck which made him sigh happily.

"I'm okay. Probably that bug still in my system."

Kurt groaned and lifted the lid, feeling like he was upchuck again. He moaned and shook before dropping his head, gripping the edges of the toilet and depositing whatever vomit wanted out of his body. Lyla rubbed his back and smirked.

"How far along are you?"

Kurt spit and used a tissue to wipe his mouth before answering and resting a hand on his stomach or rather or the small barely there bump.

"I'm not pregnant Lyla." Kurt tried to lie. Lyla scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"And I'm not the Queen of England's sister."

Kurt sighed and put his head on her shoulder. Lyla held him close and rubbed his back as Kurt shook and tears fell down his face.

"Th-Three months."

"And does Blaine know?"

"I wasn't going to say anything till the reception. I wanted to surprise him."

"You're secret's safe with me. I can't wait to be a grandmother again."

Kurt blushed and chuckled, wiping his eyes and sitting up. Lyla wiped the corners of his mouth and chin, smiling at her future son in law.

"So the bug? It was a lie?"

"It was spill the beans or lie. Plus dad would kill me if I got pregnant while I was still in that hellhole. Sorry." Kurt covered his mouth and Lyla waved it off.

"I agree. We wouldn't want the same thing to happen to you again. Now come on, up you get."

She stood up and held her hands out for Kurt to take which he did. She dusted him off and fixed his hair. Kurt smiled and hugged her. Lyla hugged back.

May I?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora