A beautiful treasure

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Kurt walked into an empty McKinley with his son awake in the baby carrier. It felt weird being here after everything that's happened and though it have him a scared feeling, it also gave him a feeling that maybe things will be better for it with Sue in charge and letting the Glee Club stay. He stopped by in the office and waved at Becky who ran over and gave Kurt a hug. "Hey Becky. How are you?" "I'm doing okay. Congratulatsions on your baby boy, can I see him?" "Of course." Kurt said with a smile and put the baby carrier carefully on the desk and moved the blanket and shade to reveal his beautiful, blue greened eyed baby boy in a blue and white thin stripped onesie with little stripped socks and gloves and a hat. Becky gasped and smiled. "Awww! What's his name?" "It's- Oh hey Principal Sylvester." Kurt turned his head to see Sue standing there in front of her office door with a smile and walked over to look at the baby in the carrier. "Oh Porcelain he is absolutely adorable." Kurt blushed and smiled. "Yeah he is. Quiet as can be too. Barely makes a sound. Thank you again for letting me take those courses." Sue nodded. "My pleasure. What Figgins has allowed to go on at this school has made me wonder what made him want to be a principal but no more. Test scores have gone up, the Cheerios have been doing great in competitions and in their classes, your Glee Club is on their way to a Nationals win and I'll have you know that the gym is being renovated and healthy choice food has been enforced." Kurt was amazed and was almost convinced until Sue noticed his look and held up her finger. "And all slushie machines have been destroyed and removed from school grounds as well as banned and safe places have been set up in different classrooms as well as the choir room indicated by these little stickers given to us by GLSEN." And now Kurt was convinced and tried to keep back the tears. The things he wanted done at this school were finally happening and though it took the loss of nearly his life and his child for it, it made him happy.

"Thank you Sue. That really means a lot." Sue gave a small smile and nodded. Kurt gave her a hug and she hugged back. Soon both let go and Kurt smiled at her before he turned and checked to make sure his baby boy was comfortable before he bid the two women goodbye and left to the guidance office to see Ms. Pillsbury. He knocked and watched as the ginger woman's face lit up as she threw caution to the wind and smiled, hugging Kurt. "Kurt! It's so nice to see you!" "You too Ms. Pillsbury. How are you?" "I think I should be asking you that considering you've brought a little guest. Congratulations by the way." "Thank you! He's been perfect so far which is great. I wanted to bring him to meet the rest of Glee Club. You should come. There'll be cake and the name reveal." Mrs. Pillsbury nodded and Kurt gave her a small hug before he grabbed the carrier and left out. He pulled out his messenger bag to collect his things when he could hear the sound of heels and turned his head to see Holly Holiday herself. Kurt let out a small squeal as he hugged his favorite substitute teacher and she hugged back. "What's up buttercup? What's this I'm hearing about babies?" Holly said with a surprised look on her face. Kurt blushed and nodded slowly. "That was Katie, Blaine and I's first child. Some stuff went down and I ended up having a miscarriage but this little guy is new." Kurt leaned down and moved the blanket and shade to unstrap his son from his seat and Holly put a hand to her heart as Kurt straightened up and held his son lying in his arms. Holly cooed and tapped the baby's nose who let out a squeal that made Kurt smile. Holly looked at her old student. "He has you and Blaine's eyes. It's like a mix. He's a perfect baby." Kurt chuckled and kissed his son's hair. "Our parents can never put him down for long. Are you here for the baby name reveal?" "Duh, why else would I be here besides getting a break from teaching? Schuester told me all about it and I just couldn't believe it." Kurt laughed and put his son back into the carrier, covering him up. The rest of the Glee Club except for Blaine, Mercedes, Finn, Puck and Quinn haven't seen his baby yet and he wanted them to see. The others had to swear not to show any pictures or talk about seeing him which was easy even for Finn. Holly and Kurt walked together to the choir room and Holly walked in while Kurt waited.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to present our guests of the hour and reason for this party, Mr. Kurt Hummel Anderson!" Holly gestured to the door and Kurt walked in to cheers and applause before he put a finger to his lips and pointed to the carrier where he was 99.9% sure his son was asleep. Everyone gave him a careful hug until Blaine came back with Mr. Schue and took the carrier lightly from Kurt who he gave a kiss hello and smile before peeking through a part of the shade and the blanket to see that his son was indeed asleep so he fashioned three chairs together to rest the carrier on while Kurt caught up with the rest of the guys and girls. "So what was the birth like?" Tina asked and Mercedes groaned playfully. "I swear I could hear him from the waiting area. Kurt has some colorful language." Kurt gaped and nudged Mercedes playfully. "I do not! And the birth was...an experience. I'll admit that I was scared out of my mind but in the end it was worth it because he turned out to be the most beautiful baby I've ever seen." Kurt looked over to see Blaine still peeking at their son with a loving look in his eyes and Kurt turned back to the girls. Finn joins in. "I'm really happy for you guys." Kurt chuckled and rolls his eyes at his brother. "You only say that because you don't have to hear him cry at night. Luckily I'm already up or Blaine so we go in, calm him down and send him back to sleep like an angel. Marble doesn't even move from his spot at night until the morning when either Blaine or I come to get the baby." The girls awed and Blaine blushes before looking at the time and goes to the uncut cake. Puck stops the music and Kurt gets up to sit by the carrier. "Uh thanks to everyone who came to this party, Kurt, the baby and I really appreciate it not because you're just our friends but also our family so thank you. Now this isn't just any party, this is a special party for a special little guy and I know you all are dying to know his name and what he looks like so Kurt, let's show off our son, huh?" Blaine said with a smile as Kurt grabbed the carrier and placed it on the piano. He counted to three and moved the blanket and shade so he could reach in and unclip his son before taking him in his arms. He turned and everyone who hadn't seen the baby gasped and awed as the baby looked around before burrowing close to Kurt's chest which made the girls and some of the guys coo. Blaine moved behind his husband to wrap his arms around Kurt's waist and smiled at his son before looking at their friends.

"Guys we want you to meet Lucas Christian Hummel Anderson. Our son." Blaine and Kurt said together and Lucas let out a small sound as if approving it. Everyone was allowed to hold him even Sue who showed up with gifts for Lucas and his parents in the form of baby clothes and two college envelopes. Lucas seemed to love the attention but even more from his parents. Pictures were taken, songs were shared, cake was cut by Kurt, Blaine and Lucas with their help of course. It was perfect.

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