Day 10: Trial Excerpt- Kurt's POV

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It took many days before Kurt finally got the chance to tell his side of the story. He was resting his head on Blaine's shoulder while Blaine had an arm around Kurt as he rubbed his hand up and down slowly on Kurt's arm. It had been a tough morning for everyone as Kurt once again woke up from a nightmare so traumatizing that he ended up vomiting on the bed, too scared to move as he sobbed and wailed. Blaine had been sleeping over since the trial started and had picked up Kurt, taking him to the bathroom while Carole dealt with changing the sheets and blanket.

When it came to breakfast Kurt couldn't even hold down half a glass of orange juice without feeling like vomiting. His already small frame was getting smaller, bags were dark and heavy under his eyes and he looked sickly pale. He felt more like a corpse walking around than himself and anything could set him off so Burt drove slow and carefully as everyone rode to the courthouse. Kurt once again had to struggle silently through the cameras, who no doubt got tons of shots of his tired, sickly face, with his cane and Blaine helping him into the building, looking almost as tired and done than Kurt.

That's how they found themselves on the bench waiting. The others soon showed up and hugged Kurt with a hug and back rub which Kurt returned with a light hug but when it came to Quinn, he clung onto her with what little strength he had as he shook in her arms. Blaine clung to Santana who kept Blaine in her arms. Soon it was time to go in and Kurt was already dreading the walk in but did it anyways, eyes casted down and empty of light as he let Lou hug him and Blaine's family.  They went through the usual stand, talk, sit, Kurofsky, Azimio and Rick's lawyer would deny it etc.

"Your honor, I'd like to call Mr. Anderson to the stand if he can today." Lou said, looking at Blaine with kindness as she called him up. Blaine nodded and stood up, feeling weightless as a feather as he walked up to the stand and sat down. Lou swore him in before starting. "Can you tell everyone your point of view of the events that day that Mr. Hummel was attacked?" Blaine nodded and licked his lips as he spoke. "When I found out Kurt was pregnant, I was overjoyed and I know that sounds insane but I was so I asked our closest friends if they wouldn't mind becoming like a protection squad for him."

"And what was the purpose of this protection squad, Mr. Anderson?" Mr. Thompson asked skeptically. "To protect Kurt, to walk him to and from his classes, to protect our child from any harm." "But yet Mr. Hummel still got beaten or so he claims by my clients so it seems your little squad wasn't good enough to-" "They were." Blaine cut in, looking up at Mr. Thompson before looking at his friends and back at Mr. Thompson. "They were the best even then. They were loyal, they fought hard, they helped in every way they could even after we lost our child. The picture here isn't just that Kurt got bashed or that you think he dreamed it. I know what I saw and after even in the hospital. Because of what happened, we lost...we lost our daughter to bullying and let me tell you that knowing that, hurts more than anything in the world...and that's all I have to say anymore." Blaine said, slumping back, feeling more tired than he did this morning.

Lou helped him down from the stand and Blaine sat next to Kurt, taking his hand. Kurt squeezed back as much as he could and pressed his lips to Blaine's shoulder, trembling as he placed a hand over his stomach. An empty stomach. Soon Kurt was called up and instead of it being someone on his side, it was the tall, white bailiff who walked over with a sympathetic look on his face with his hand out for Kurt to take. "Come on son." The bailiff said kindly as Kurt took his hand and let the bailiff pull him up and lead him to the stand. Kurt nodded his head in thanks as he sat down, heart beating fast. Judge Tiana decided to take over, turning to look at Kurt and what she saw made her feel sick to her stomach. From just a day when she first saw Kurt covered in cuts and bruises to now scared her. She cleared her throat and began.

"Mr. Hummel, in your best efforts, can you describe what happened. Take your time."

Kurt nodded and took a deep breath before speaking. It was hard to hear so the bailiff brought over a table mic. Kurt nodded his thanks and started over, his raspy and cracked voice sounding off in the room. "I had gotten a text from who I thought from Blaine saying to come to the gym. I did since I was close and didn't see him so I thought he was hiding but it turned out to be Kurofsky. I...." Kurt turned to cough and catch his breath, shaking before taking a moment to breathe. All the stoic faces turned sympathetic as Kurt started again.

"I...tried to run but the door was locked and I tried to call for help but then I was hit over the head..." Kurt reached up shakingly to touch the back of his head, tears shining in his eyes. Kurt fell to the ground after the bat hit his head, groaning as tears fell. A spike of pain flowed up his spine as he fell. "They cursed at me and threw me across the floor before they started kicking, spitting and beating on me. I could feel each one...and they didn't stop. They...they didn't stop even for a second. I couldn't breathe...couldn't breathe or stop screaming..." Kurt had to stop again as the tears fell heavy and his throat constricted. He swore he was going to vomit and that the memories were giving him a huge headache. He gripped his head and shut his eyes as if trying to escape. All of the faces of everyone in the room except Kurofsky, Azimio, Rick and Mr. Thompson were all either tearing up or crying as they watched Kurt have a meltdown. Blaine came up and climbed into the stand, pulling Kurt into his arms and whispering for him to come back, to open his eyes, to breathe.

"Hour recess." Judge Tiana said, knocking her mallet twice, watching as everyone left except for her, Blaine and Kurt. Blaine was still trying to get Kurt to come back. She got down and came over to the boys. "Kurt? Honey, can you open your eyes for me?" She asked, softly. Kurt took a sharp intake of air and sniffled, lifting his head and opening his eyes. Judge Tiana offered her hand and Kurt took it, letting Tiana squeeze it. "Listen to me, out of all the cases I have ever seen and had to sit through, this is the toughest. I'm so sorry that you lost something so precious and innocent and I understand greatly. You have got to be the bravest boy I've ever seen to come in here everyday and sit through all of this...well, bullshit."

Kurt choked out a chuckle as he looked at Tiana. Her eyes were shining with kindness which was comforting to him. "Here's what I propose. How about you take your time to write down what happened and you won't have to tell the rest of the story, I will read it for you. Sound good?" She asked and Kurt nodded, resting his head on Blaine's shoulder. She smiled at the two and gave Kurt some tissues. "You two would probably have been the greatest parents." She finished with that and helped lead Kurt and Blaine to her office where she gave Kurt a notepad and pen before leaving them be.

An hour later

Everyone came back feeling horrible and sick to their stomach or somber and quiet as they all sat. Judge Tiana watched as Kurt and Blaine came out of her office, giving the bailiff the notepad. He patted their shoulders and went to give it to Judge Tiana. She explained that she would explain the rest of the story since Kurt couldn't continue. As she read on, Kurt sat still like a statue as he laid his head on Blaine's shoulder the entire time, both of their eyes shut. It shook them to the core yet they didn't move as they listened. Then came the video after Mr. Thompson tried to deny the allegations again and Kurt couldn't help but watch along with Carole, his dad, Lyla, Ben, Jack and Lisa.

"Stop!! Please...sto-ahhhgh...BLAINE...Blaine help me!! Somebody help me, please!!" Kurt sobbed and screamed as he was being kicked, hit and spat on. He tried to protect his stomach as best as he could but he could barely do so as pain spiked up and through his body as he cried out.

Carole flinched as she watched but she couldn't look away with her eyes wide, biting her fist. Burt looked ready to vomit or scream as he heard his baby boy scream, cry, wail and plead for his life as he was being beaten to near death. There was not a dry eye except for Kurofsky, Azimio, Rick and Mr. Thompson as everyone watched and winced. Hearing the story was one thing but watching it before your own eyes was much, much worse. Then came the pause and that's when Kurt had to hide his face and ears in his father's arms.

"No! No no no no no no no no. Please, no!" Kurt pleaded before howling in pain after being kicked to the head.

It was there that Judge Tiana couldn't take anymore and had the bailiff turn the video off. After that day, Kurt was lying in bed with Blaine by his side during the night, clinging to him for dear life. They may have won but they had a long way to go.

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