Thanksgiving Pt. 3

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Everyone was seated around the dinner tables in the barn, telling stories, laughing and eating. There was smiles all around and no one cared that Kurt and Blaine were doting over Lucas or shared a few small pecks. They felt safe, happy and accepted. "So Kurt, tell me, what do you plan on doing in the big city when you and Blaine go?" Blaine's Aunt Rina asked. Kurt finished wiping Lucas' mouth before answering. "As much as I enjoy music and singing, I feel like fashion is more my forte. It was my mom's favorite passion and actually she was known pretty well so I thought why not follow?" Aunt Rina smiled. "For instance, I know that you're wearing her 2006 hoop skirt dress with the white trim." "And how did you know that?" Tina asked, amazed. Kurt just smirked and shrugged nonchalantly. "I may have stitched the trim on the dress that inspired the others." Rina gasped before laughing behind her hand. Kurt smiled and Rina looked at Blaine. "He's a keeper. I like him. No, scratch that, I LOVE him." Kurt blushed and was pulled into more fashion talk. No one even cared when Kurt and Blaine held hands over the table as they engaged in their own separate conversation. Even Finn fit in with Blaine's male cousins about sports and even music. Every Hummel-Hudson just seemed to fit like puzzle pieces in the Anderson family and they fit even more as they all left to the large tent where the fireplace sat. Stories continued as everyone lounged and ate dessert. Lucas was being fed bits of cake by Kurt while laying against his papa's abdomen.

"So I told him watch my boot, watch my boot! Don't hit my boot!" Everyone laughed at the story and smiled, clapping at times. The story would've continued if Darren didn't ask to sing. "I'm a little inspired to sing this song because of everyone here. It's been really great to see everyone and for everyone to welcome our new family members fully. This holiday is about family and we have a really big family." Everyone agreed and Darren smiled. "I'm happy about that. You made a great friend of mine happy tonight and without any of us, I think he'd be lost so I'm going to dedicate this song mostly to Kurt." Kurt looked up at Darren in surprise. "Blaine." Darren gestured and Blaine got up, pecking Kurt's head before walking over and took the guitar from Darren. He sat on the stool next to his twin and began to strum along.

I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you

[Darren and Blaine:]
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
(Yes He did)

Everyone watched the brothers play and sing just like old times but this time Darren was singing to the family and Blaine to his own and to Kurt. Kurt smiled as he cuddled Lucas close, curled up in a blanket. Lucas had his thumb in his mouth as he watched. Kurt looked down at the toddler with love and gratefulness as he then kissed his hair and played with it. If a tear fell, he didn't care but instead wiped it and smiled at Carole when she took his hand.

I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true.



Now I'm just rolling home
Into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you.

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