The Birth (Excerpt)

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(In Full Detail)

Kurt and Blaine ran into the hospital, or rather Blaine ran in with Kurt in his arms wincing and biting Blaine's sweater to keep from screaming. Carole instantly stood as she saw the two and got the room information before leading Blaine to the room they needed. Blaine helped Kurt undress and dress into a hospital gown before tying it and helping him onto the bed.

"You're doing very good honey. Just keep breathing." Carole said, laying a careful hand through Kurt's hair as Kurt just kept breathing and holding Blaine's hand. He shook with every contraction and nearly whimpered as they got stronger. "Shh it's okay Kurt, it's okay." "It hurts, it hurts so bad." Kurt choked out, shaking so hard that Carole offered Kurt an epidural and Kurt agreed, sitting up with Blaine's help so Carole could attach the needle. Once she was done, Kurt laid back down and wiped his eyes. Carole checked to see how far away he was. "Mm you're not quite ready just yet pumpkin so you can rest for right now, okay?" Kurt nodded and smiled when Carole kissed his head before leaving. He turned his head to Blaine and smiled.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" "Calmer now but also a little nervous." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine. "How about you?" Blaine let out a deep breath and kissed Kurt's hand. "Excited but also nervous. In a few hours, we're going to be parents." Kurt nodded. "That's if I make it long enough to be able to be that." Kurt mumbled. "Kurt...come on-" "No I'm serious. You know that this could end in three ways. C-Section, Death or I have it and slip away...from you both." Kurt started to tear up along with Blaine who bowed his head and shook it. "No, no I'm not going to accept that. You're fine." Blaine said, tears falling down his face. "You're fine." He cracked out once more.

"Blaine..." Kurt tried to tell him but Blaine wouldn't hear it as he got up and left, his hand slipping from Kurt's. Kurt looked more scared than ever as he watched and heard Blaine leave. So he lied back, hit his head softly into the pillow and cried with his hand over his mouth. A few moments later, a knock on his door made him look over with red eyes and a red face as he couldn't stop getting overworked with shame and tears. He felt arms around him but they weren't Blaine's. Instead they were Mercedes' arms and Kurt just clung to them as he cried. While Mercedes was comforting Kurt, Blaine was sitting outside being held by his mother as she swayed them from side to side, rubbing Blaine's back softly. "It's alright baby. It'll be okay." She'd say until he got the strength to walk back into the hospital and to Kurt who was in the same state as him but he at least stopped crying so he was just sniffling and wiping his eyes with his non needle hand.



Blaine ran over and hugged Kurt close, kissing his head over and over. Kurt hid his face in Blaine's shoulder as Blaine hid his face in Kurt's shoulder.

A few hours later

"Alright Kurt, looks like you're fully ready to deliver this baby." Carole said after checking under the blanket. Everyone who was in the room which was Finn, Burt, Blaine, Mercedes, Santana, Quinn, Puck, Lyla and Ben all in night time clothes. They were super tired but excited. "You ready sweetheart?" Carole asked Kurt who shook but nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be." "You'll make a great parent and trust me, I mean that in every way." Santana said with a smile. Kurt returned the smile and accepted hugs and fists bumps from everyone until it was just Blaine, Burt, Carole, Lyla, Ben and finally Jack and Lisa.

"Oh my goodness, I thought we wouldn't make it in time. Hi honey." Lisa said breathlessly before going over and hugging Kurt and then Blaine. Jack smiled at Kurt. "How are you feeling?" "Nervous but excited. I'm glad you guys came." "Oh like we would miss the birth of our great grandchild. I want to say that you and Blaine are going to do an amazing job and we wish you two the best of luck. Here and after."

Kurt smiled as Lisa leaned in and kissed his head. Jack and Lisa gave their wishes before leaving Kurt to rest before he had to give birth. He would look and feel his bump with a content smile as Blaine watched and did the same. In just a few hours they were going to be holding their child in their arms and though they wished they had their daughter with them, they reminded themselves that this child was not a replacement.

"I want to tell them about her. Katie." Kurt said softly, looking over to Blaine. Blaine looked at Kurt and smiled. "I know there isn't a lot to tell but I want him or her to know." Blaine nodded along and kissed Kurt's hand. "We should." Kurt nodded and closed his eyes as a contraction wracked his body to which Blaine just stroked Kurt's hand and kissed it. They were light up until twenty minutes when they started to get heavy and hard that Kurt could hardly breathe lying down so Blaine and Burt helped him off the bed and walk around.

"Go easy bud." Burt said as they slowly walked down the hallway for thirty minutes when a single contraction hit Kurt so hard that he choked on an intake of breath and slumped against Blaine. Burt called for a doctor while Blaine lifted up Kurt bridal style and started to head back to the room they had Kurt in. Kurt cried out in pain as another contraction wracked his body and he held Blaine's hands tight once he was placed on the bed. "Oww oww oww!! Fuck this hurts." Carole and a doctor came in.

"Alright Kurt, are we ready to deliver a baby?" The doctor asked as Carole got everything ready and Kurt groaned in reply. "Is there anyone else besides Blaine that you'd want with you?" He asked and Kurt breathed through his teeth before speaking. "Qu-Quinn. Quinn Fabray." Carole nodded and went out to get Quinn. She fast walked down the hall to the private waiting room that the others were in. It grew from just the protection squad to Blaine's family. They all looked at Carole thinking that there was bad news but she gave them a small smile. "Quinn honey, Kurt wants you with him and Blaine." Quinn looked surprised but stood up, following Carole to Kurt's birthing room. Kurt nearly sobbed in relief once he saw Quinn and held out his hand which she took after hugging Blaine.

"Alright Kurt, when I tell you to, I want you to push as best as you can." The doctor said as he situated himself down between Kurt's legs. Kurt nodded and waited for the call. "3...2...1...push!" Kurt gritted his teeth and bared down as he pushed, squeezing Blaine and Quinn's hands while they encouraged him. He'd be told to stop and breathe to which Kurt would flop his head back or curse at Blaine before starting up again. "You can do it Kurt! You can do it! Push!" Quinn said as she squeezed Kurt's hand and Blaine kissed Kurt's head. Kurt grit his teeth harder to the point where he screamed and pushed until he felt a weird sensation and a loud wailing cry sounded in the room.

"It's a boy."

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