A Faithland Summer Part three

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It took a few weeks during the summer at a time but slowly Kurt was starting to get back to being himself except more relaxed and at tune with everything. He had accepted that Katie was gone and had gardenias pure as snow planted for her at Faithland. Kurt and Blaine were relaxing on a dock of one of the cabins when Blaine leaned over his boyfriend and kissed Kurt upside down. Kurt giggled and kissed back before Blaine moved away and laid opposite of Kurt and held his hand. Both boys soaked in the sun and the beauty of the sparkling river as they laid in silence. Kurt softly broke the silence.

"Can we just stay here? Forget about New York and Broadway and just live here?"

Blaine sighed happily and smiled. "The more you say it, the more I think you just don't want to go back to Lima or home for that matter."

Kurt chuckled and rolled onto his side and Blaine followed suit. "Now who's fault was it that brought me to this paradise in the first place. A quiet, quaint, horse filled, delicious food, perfect bed paradise where there's no demanding Rachel Berry or crazy up and down couples."

Blaine carefully pulled Kurt to him and kissed his lips softly. Kurt smiled and kissed back, a hand pressed over Blaine's heart while Blaine's hand pressed to the small of Kurt's back. There the two boys stayed in each other's embrace.

"I love you." Kurt whispered.

"And I love how much you love this place and me." Blaine whispered back before kissing Kurt's temple.

Soon they packed up and got in Blaine's 1998 Ford cherry red pickup truck and headed back to Faithland. Kurt smiled as the sun hit his face with the perfect warmness and the pop music coming from the stereo made him stop and turn his head to look at his boyfriend who was busy driving and jamming to the music and in that moment, Kurt felt finally in tune with himself and could see why he fell in love with Blaine and why he was so ready to have a family with him. Though the seats behind them was empty, he still peeked and he could imagine one or two kids back there giggling and jamming or maybe napping and this time instead of feeling like he was going to cry, Kurt genuinely smiled and looked up at the clouds and rested his head on his arms. The wind swept through his hair but he didn't care because he was in the moment and he never wanted to leave this state of peace. Blaine watched him through the whole ordeal and just simply took his hand while he drove. They arrived at Faithland and Kurt excused himself to go check on Elizabeth. Blaine gave him a quick kiss before heading in the house and sat down to watch a game with Darren, Finn, Cooper, Burt, Jack and Ben.

Kurt walked through the barn to Elizabeth's stall and reached out to stroke her nose and behind her ear before opening it and walked in. He stroked her sides and back, her mane and neck before then wrapping his arms around her neck and closed his eyes. If he thought really hard he could almost imagine that he was holding onto his mother or at least she was in the stall watching him. His shoulders shook as he trembled and a cool wind blew through the barn that seemed to comfort Kurt to an extent along with Elizabeth turning her head to Kurt's body. Kurt scratched under her chin and smiled.

"I'm okay girl. I'm just really going to miss you when the summer's up. I kinda wish you could come with me but I know Jack and Lisa will look after you but I promise to visit and we'll go on some runs or trail rides. How that sound?"

Elizabeth whinnied happily and Kurt chuckled. He decided to hold onto her a little more before bidding her goodnight, kissed her on the nose and locked her back up. He closed the barn and headed to the house to see Lyla and Lisa relaxing on the porch swing.

"Got room for one more?" He asked.

"Always. Get over here." Lyla said, smiling. She and Lisa scooted over so Kurt could sit between the two women.

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