Chapter 13~ Marvin Sprinkles.

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Garroth was on his Laptop downstairs, completely ignoring Dante screaming through the phone to one of his friends. A few moments later, Laurence stumbled downstairs, looking drowsy. "Hey, Laurence, how ya feeling?" Garroth asked. "Meh, not good..." Laurence muttered.
Dante took his screaming in the phone upstairs. "What happened?" Garroth asked, growing worried. "I just threw up a few times... It's no big deal.." Laurence said.
(And Before you ask, no, Laurence is not pregnant.. My friend asked me if he was a NEIN! He is not.)
Garroth instantly stood up, putting the Laptop aside. He walked over to Laurence and picked him up bridal style like he did earlier that morning. "Wha- Garroth, what are you doing!?" Laurence exclaimed in a confused voice.
Garroth held him close as he carried Laurence to the couch and laid him down. He rushed upstairs to Laurence's room and grabbed a trash can from there. He ran back downstairs and gave it to Laurence. Garroth grabbed his coat and keys. "Where are you going?" Laurence asked, sitting up. "I'm going to the store to get some things like ginger ale and stuff to settle your stomach, I'll be back in a moment." Garroth said, walking out of the door. He opened the door to the car and got inside, turning it on, he drove down the street.

*Timeskip to after shopping brought to you by.. Kier the bunny.*

Garroth walked out of the store, holding a bag full of stuff. He started to move towards his car in the parking lot but stopped suddenly when he heard a soft peeping noise. Garroth looked around and the noise seemed to stop, he started to walk again but the noise started again. This time hole looking around, Garroth saw a yellow ball of fluff half buried in the white snow. He put the bag under one of his arms and went over to it, picking it up. It was a baby chick.
Garroth couldn't help but feel bad for it. How'd it even get out here in the cold anyways? He shook it off and went to his car, opening it and getting inside. He buckled up, put the bag on the passenger seat and put the baby chick on his lap. Garroth turned up the heat a little bit so that the chick wouldn't freeze. As he drove he asked the baby chick questions. Even though the animal couldn't answer. "So, what were you doing out in the snow little guy... Hmm, I wonder what I should name you." He thought for a few moments. "Hmm... I know! How about.. Marvin Sprinkles.." Garroth said. "Wait a minute... SPRINKLES!!" Garroth wailed as he remembered the black and purple cat. He quickly cleared his throat. "Marvin Sprinkles it is.." He said, the baby chick peeped in reply as if saying he liked it. Garroth didn't say anything else the entire drive.
Garroth got home and unlocked the door, the baby chick resting peacefully on his hand. Laurence was on the couch, vomiting violently in the trash can. "Hey, I'm back." Garroth said. Laurence looked up. "Hey- what's that?" Laurence asked, pointing and the baby chicken. "Oh... This is Marvin Sprinkles.. I found him in the parking lot and thought I would bring him home." Garroth said. "Marvin Sprinkles...? What's with you and naming things that have to do with sprinkles..?" Laurence asked. "I don't know... But he is part of the family now and we must raise him until he is an adult chicken." Garroth said. Laurence put his hands up. "I'm not raising a chicken with you." He said. "But Laurence... He is our child now." Garroth said. "Screw that man!" Laurence yelled. Garroth laughed and pulled out a bottle of Gingerale. He threw it to Laurence. "Small sips, if you don't you'll throw up again." He said. "Ok, mom." Laurence said, jokingly. Garroth laughed and sat down next to Laurence.
Garroth put one of his arms around Laurence and pulled him closer so that Laurence's head was resting on his shoulder. "I don't want to get you sick, man." Laurence said. "You won't.." Garroth said. "At least give the chicken a chance." He said.
"Fine.. I will... He is adorable, I will admit. What was his name again?" Laurence asked. "Marvin Sprinkles." Garroth replied. "Where did that name come from?" Laurence asked. "I don't know.. It just came to me." Garroth said.

Gather round, Children. Time to hear the story of Marvin Sprinkles and where I got the name from! So my Girl Scout Troop and I were playing Dungeons and Dragons and my character stole a Horse. Another Girl Scout and I were talking about what to name it and instantly thinking of MyStreet I said Sprinkles and this is how it went:

Her: What ya gonna name it?
Me: Sprinkles.
Her: I was thinking Marvin.
Me: This is quite the Predicament.
Her: Let's just name him Marvin Sprinkles..
Me: Best. Name. Ever. LET'S DO IET!

So.. Ya..

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