Chapter 19~ Dante's Secret Boyfriend?

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   It was the next day when Garroth and Laurence finally returned back to their home. When Laurence had pulled into the drive way, Garroth was knocked out cold in the passenger seat. Laurence laughed at him and got out of the car, walking over to the over side and getting Garroth out. Laurence carried Garroth up to the front door and got his keys out, pausing when he heard two voices from inside, one was Dante, obviously, but Laurence had no idea who the other was. He unlocked the door and stepped inside of the house. Dante was talking to someone on his laptop but right when Laurence walked in, he slammed it shut.
"Who were you talking to?" Laurence asked. "N-No one, what are you doing back so early?" Dante asked. "We decided just to come back home after we got stranded in some town.." Laurence said, walking towards Garroth's room. Laurence or Garroth on his bed and kissed him before walking back out.
  He heard Dante talking again and he decided to eavesdrop on him. "Sorry about that, my roommate came home early and I'm not ready to tell anyone.." Dante said. "It's fine.." Another male voice said. "So, wanna try and meet up for a date sometime?" Dante asked. "Of course! Does this Saturday sound good to you?" The other guy asked. "Yeah! Sounds great!" Dante exclaimed.
  "No one, huh?" Laurence asked, walking into the living room. Dante slammed his laptop closed again. "Shut up, Laurence!" Dante yelled, grabbing his laptop and rushing into his room. Laurence laughed and walked back outside, grabbing his and Garroth's bags from the car, bringing them inside and setting them  in the living room. "Laurence?" Garroth asked, now standing at the doorway of his room. "What's up?" Laurence asked. "When did we get home?" Garroth asked. Laurence shrugged. "Maybe about fifteen minutes ago." He said. "Oh okay.." Garroth said. "Hey, I think Dante is dating someone.." Laurence suddenly blurted out. "Nicole?" Garroth asked. "No, I think he's dating a guy but I'm not sure.." Laurence said. Garroth shrugged. "Normally I would be all for trying to figure out who but I'm exhausted, I'm going back to sleep.." He said, walking back into the bedroom. "Yeah, me too.." Laurence said, walking to his own room and crawling into bed, covering himself with the blanket and nuzzling into the pillow. He was about to doze off but suddenly felt a warmness come over him as someone crawled in next to him, hugging him.
  Laurence knew it was Garroth so he rolled over and hugged him back before slowly dozing off.

The Love That We Share ~ A Gaurence/Laurroth Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now