Chapter 16~ Stuck in a Small Town.

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Garroth sat on the couch, waiting for Laurence to come downstairs so they could leave. Dante was talking on the phone with Travis.
Travis wasn't fully moved in yet, but he was in the process. Dante hung up the phone and walked into the living room. "Travis should be moving in within the next 2 weeks." He said. "Cool." Garroth said, looking at his phone.
"Laurence! Hurry up!" Garroth yelled at the top of his lungs. "I'm coming!" Laurence said, running downstairs with a backpack slung on his shoulder.
"How do you have four days worth of clothes and other things in that little bag?" Garroth asked. "Trust me, this thing is like a freaking black hole.. Probably still has things in there from the last time I used it.. Which was back in like high school." Laurence said. "Wow.." Garroth muttered. He stood up and grabbed a small suitcase that was on the ground. "You sure ya don't wanna come with us? It'll be fun!" Garroth exclaimed. "Nah, Pokémon conventions aren't my thing.. I'll see you guys later." Dante said, walking upstairs. "Don't burn down the house!" Laurence said as brig he and Garroth walked out of the house. "Whatever!" Dante yelled. "Take care of the chicken!" Garroth yelled, closing and locking the door. He walked over and opened the trunk of the car.
Both of them put their bags into the trunk and got into the car. "To Pokécon!" They both yelled.

*A few hours later.*

Road, road, and guess what? Even more road. Garroth gazed lazily at the road he was driving on that seemed to go on forever.
Soft snores came from the passenger seat as Laurence slept. Garroth groaned as his phone started to ring. He answered it. "Hello?" He asked as quiet as he could. "Hey, Garroth! It's Aphmau, what're you up to?" She asked. "We're going to that Pokémon convention." Garroth said. "So it's that time of year already." Aphmau said. "Yup, we're driving there right now." Garroth said. "How's Laurence doing?" Aphmau asked. "He's asleep right now, but he's alright." Garroth said. "Well ok, have fun! I'll see you guys in a couple of days." Aphmau said, hanging up.
Garroth put his phone in one of the cup holders and turned his attention back to the road. After a few minutes the car engine started to make weird noises and it came to a rolling stop on the side of the road. "You have got to be kidding me." Garroth groaned. "Laurence, wake up." He said, throwing a piece of crumpled paper towel at him. "Hmm? What's up?" Laurence asked, sleepily as he opened his eyes. "Something's wrong with the car, come on, let's go see what's wrong." Garroth said, getting out of the car.

*A Few minutes later.*

"N-no, you don't understand! We need a tow truck.." Garroth said into the phone as Laurence looked under the hood. "I have no idea where we are! Well.. There is dust and dirt everywhere, and there is about 10 miles of straight road. What'd you mean that's not a valid answer?!" He asked. "There are no road signs!" He yelled. Laurence walked over. "Give me the phone." He said. Garroth reluctantly handed him the phone. "Listen, somethings is seriously wrong with the engine and we need a way to get to the nearest car shop... Wait! If you know there is a town nearby then why don't you send a truck out here since you know- Hello? Hello!" Laurence yelled. "He hung up!" He exclaimed in a shrill voice. "The what do we do now?" Garroth asked. "He mentioned a town being a few hours away, looks like we'll have to push the car." Laurence said. "Right, ok.." Garroth said as the both got behind the car and started to push.

*Another time skip to about 7 hours later.*

By the time the small town came into view, both Laurence and Garroth were both drenched in sweat. "I'll go get someone to help get the car into the shop, I'll be right back." Garroth said as he walked towards it. A few minutes later he came back with a bald man with a gray beard and a blue jumpsuit. He took a look under the hood and nodded. "You were right, something bad has happened the the engine, I'll get it in the shop and should be done within two days.. For the time being get a motel room." He said.
Garroth and Laurence got their stuff from the trunk and trudged into the town. They found the motel rather easily. When they walked in they were greeted by a sweet young lady who gave them their room key after they paid for it. "Have a nice stay!" She chirped after showing them their room. "Well, looks like we'll be a couple of days late for the convention, but is alright." Laurence said. "Yeah, it's getting late, ima go get into my pajamas." Garroth said, walking into the bathroom with his suitcase.
Laurence, who was to tired to get changed, got into the bed and just laid there, a few moment later he felt someone get in beside him and wrap his arms around him. "I love you." Garroth muttered sleepily. "Love you too." Laurence said, dozing off.

The Love That We Share ~ A Gaurence/Laurroth Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now