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Corki's POV

My eyes fluttered open, but widened when I saw dark brown eyes staring back at me.

Panicking I jumped up resulting with me bumping my head to the other person which only adds to my headache.

"Dang it!" I cursed loudly but scrambled out of bed and headed to the first door in my view.

Rushing out somehow I now found myself in the living room with four guys watching TV, as if sensing my presence their heads snapped in my direction.

And a small gasp escaped my lips, their eyes were red as in blood red and one of them had a red liquid running down the side of his lips.

Without thinking I ran and ended up in the kitchen. Looking around I spotted a broom.

Well can't blame me, as long as I have something to defend myself with.

Turning around all 5 boys were looking at me in shock. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, they were the boys that were at the restaurant last night.

One of them took a step forward but I swung the broom at his head but he side stepped it as if was nothing.

"One more step and I swear to god I'll kick your ass to hell a- and b-back." I stuttered at the end as the broom started to shake in my trembling hands.

"Put the broom down, and calm down." The blonde white haired one said.

My eyes widened at what he said.

"Calmdown?Calmdown!,listenBlondie howamIsupposedtocalmdownwhen youall haveredeyes!" I yelled really fast.

"What did you say?" The taller one asked as he scratched the back of his neck confused.

Closing my eyes and taking deep breaths to calm my racing heart, opening my eyes again staring at them.

"Did you save me?" I asked as I slowly pull the broom towards me.

"Yes we did." The curly haired one said.

"Thank you." I said.
"What are you?" I blurted out.

"One direction." One of the boys said.
"One direction?" I asked while I cocked an eyebrow.

"We call ourselves one direction, we are our own little boy band but haven't like sing in a crowd basically we are not known to the world." The blonde one said.

"OK." I said as they all took a chair and stared at me which was really awkward .

"What's your name angel?" The curly haired one asked.

"I'm Corki Brown." I replied as I gently rubbed my fingers.

"I'm Harry, that's Zyan, Liam, Louis and  Niall." The curly haired one said as he pointed at each boy.

They were all cute but I think curly is cuter, my subconscious stated.

"See I told you that women cant help but think that I'm cute!"Harry said jumping up as if someone slapped him.

"Did you read my mind?" I asked in amusement.

His eyes widened and they both exchanged glances at each other and looked back at me.

"Are you guys vampires?" I asked excitement filling my voice now. By now their eyes were back to their normal color.

"What if we are?" Liam asked.
"That'd be so cool." I said smiling.

"Why would it be so cool?" Zyan asked folding his arms across his chest.

"Well I like them, well only the good ones and the love they have for the person they love." After saying love I felt as if I was stabbed again as I felt dizziness washing over me.

I felt someone catching me and saw all five boys looking at me with worried expressions on their faces. Before I blacked out again.

6 a.m. the next  morning

I woke up early again and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"How did you even figure it out?" Louis asked, making me jump.

"Sorry." He chuckled at my frightened expression.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Yesterday." Zyan said as he now entered the kitchen while the others walked in but Harry wasn't wearing a shirt.

He's so so so so HOT. I thought.
"Jesus Harry put on a shirt!" Liam yelled pulling me out of my thoughts.
I'm a flash he was back wearing a blue shirt.

"Well, yesterday you four..." I said pointing at Harry, Liam, Zyan and Louis then continued

"Your eyes were red and the way how Niall side stepped the my attempt to hit him was obvious and Liam had red liquid running down the side of his lips." I stated matter of fact.

"Chill I won't tell anyone besides you saved my life. Its the least I could do to tell you guys thanks." I said smiling.

"What time is it?" I suddenly asked.

"7 am, why?" Harry asked.

"I'm gonna be late for school!" I yelled.

"Please could you take me home so I could get ready, I only have an hour left." I begged as I stared at them.

"Sure ." Harry said as I followed behind him to his bike.

"You ride a bike?" I asked.

"Yea hope on we don't have a lot of time." Harry said as he got on waiting for me.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I climbed on and wrapped my hands around his waist.

Luckily he couldn't see my burning face but he might be able to hear my racing heart beat.

"Hold tight." Harry chuckled.
"I'm already hol ... Aaaahhhhh!" I screamed as I clutched onto Harry.

"Harry too fast!" I  yelled . within 5 minutes he stopped right outside my house.

"Thanks for the ride." I said as I got off, turning around going up the steps but stopped as Harry's hand grabbed my wrist.

"Look at me Corki." His voice whispers, slowly turning around he was a few inches away from me he was already off the bike.

I could feel the warmness of his body, by now my heart was beating rapidly.

"I- I have to go." I said as I tried to look every where but his face.

I closed my eyes as I felt tears threatening to fall.
"Promise me that you will call me if anything happens ok." Harry said.

I nodded my head and ran inside and hurriedly did my morning routine. After that was done I dressed in a lime green stretch pants and a yellow green tank top with silver flats.

At school

I walked through the halls as the bell rang for my history class.

"Hey bitch, could you pass that book for me." Chuck asked while staring at me.

"Why don't you get off yuh damn ass and get it yourself." I said smiling.

Maybe I should have done what he said because I received a punch in my face giving me a black eye.

The pain spread throughout my skin, my head started spinning slowly.

"Chuck, principal's office now!"  Ms. Williams the vice principal said as she saw what happened when passing our class, the teacher hadn't arrived yet.

"Corki are you alright?" Ms. Williams asked worriedly.

"I'll be fine miss, its not that bad." I tried to reassure her although I really wanted to cry.

"Corki, you are not fine, you just got punched at least get some ice on that please." Ms. Williams begged.

"I promise, I will." I said giving her my I'll - be- alright-smile.

With that said she left and that's when I finally took in what she was wearing. It was a grey pencil skirt with a light green top with her white 2 inch heels.

Right now I wish for my life to change.

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