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Corki's POV

While I growled everyone took a step back and stared at me, suddenly my eyes closed and I felt a massive pain and soon heard my bones cracking.

"That's impossible!" Someone said.

"Wow." Harry said.

"Holy Shit!" One exclaimed.

"Sweet Jesus!" Another exclaimed.

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Niall said.

"Bad girl." Brittany said.

These are some of the comments I heard after I shifted, and I feel great.

When the noises stopped all eyes were on me, looking down I realized that my right paw was full white while the other is full black.

"She's the black and white wolf!" Someone exclaimed.

That's when all the werewolves bowed down before me and without warning they walked come over to me leaving Nita standing all by herself.

Quickly I turned back into my human form with clothes on not taking my eyes off Nita.

"You bitch!" Nita screamed and ran vampire speed towards me. In a flash she grabbed my arm making a loud snap making me scream out in pain.

Using my foot I kicked her in the side but she blocked it and twisted my ankle so hard I spun around in mid air hitting a tree the same time.

Anger rushed through my body as I slowly got up but could feel myself healing rapidly, I walked back over to Nita and punched her in the stomach so hard it sent her flying across the field landing on her back with a loud thud.

I lifted my hands up to the sky and on cue lightning began to flash at a great speed but that stopped when a bolt hit my hand, it wasn't painful but I was controlling it.

Before Nita could attack again, I ran over to her and grabbed her neck and electrocuted her, she clawed at my skin leaving tiger like marks but still I didn't budge.

I held my ground until there was a sickening crack and Nita's head fell off completely then her body slumped to the ground her pool of blood.

HeartBroken, But Mended By A VampireDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora