You changed me

338 21 1

Corki's POV

My arm was bleeding heavily, with the help of Harry and Zyan they helped me up.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I asked Nita.

She slowly turned around and looked me up and down.

"You aren't even worth his love. The best thing you could do right now is to die. You'll be doing yourself a huge favor." Nita said smirking.

I was shocked at what she said but quickly recovered.

"You know what Nita, I had died but I lived. When I was young living with my grandmother in the woods, I accidentally ate poisoned berries yes it wasn't enough to kill me. Because she taught me how to cure myself. I survived a car explosion which killed my family, I survived heartbreaks, I was beaten at school a lot . I would come home with a busted lip, a black eye, hatred, fear, sorrow. The only ones who gave me love they died. I never saw them again!" I yelled as tears washed my face but I continued.

"You have everything, you don't know what it feels like, our lives are different, you're a vampire, I'm a human. The only reason I kept on living is because I know that my family loves me. That was the last thing my father told me before, he, my mom and my little sister Tori died that night." I looked at everyone with tear stained face.

"I'll be upstairs for the rest of the evening, there's blood in the kitchen if you're hungry. And Nita try not to break anything else, everything means something to me. And the guest rooms are ready for you, the storm doesn't look as if it will stop soon."   I went upstairs to get the first aid kit.

Washing my wound gently with a piece of cloth. After I was finished there was a huge glass deep in my flesh.

I went downstairs again, and saw everyone in the same place where I left them a couple minutes ago.

Passing them I went into the kitchen, turn on the stove and placed a knife in the flames.

Sitting on the chair, I used a my fingers to pull on the piece of glass sticking out.

I hissed in pain as I yanked it out, sighing in relief as blood continued to pour from the wound.

Without turning around I knew they were watching me. Taking the knife I had on the stove the tip of it was a bright red orange.

Taking another deep breath and bit down on a rag I took with me, I placed the heated blade in my opened  wound and groaned in pain.

I kept it there for awhile. I did it one more time but I couldn't continue it as dizziness started to wash over main.

"Do you need help?" Harry asked.

"Yes just get the needle and thread over there and help me stitch this up." I said pointing in the draw.

Black dots became visible in my vision and before I knew it I fell to the ground with a loud thud and that's when I started breathing heavily.

I heard yelling before I blacked out.


"Mmm" I mumbled as I slowly opened my eyes.

Sitting up in bed I heard whispering from downstairs.

As I got off the bed, I was hit with an amazing smell. Before I could even think properly I found myself in the living room and everyone was staring at me.

"Its about time you wake up Bitch." Nita smirked as she puffed her cigarette.

Harry and the others were there.

"I know you changed me Harry but right now I'll have to ask you to put that out Nita. This ain't your house its mine." I said as I folded my arms across my chest.

Nita looked at me with the ' go-to-hell' look.

"I knew you tried to kill me. You have the power to give a life and take one. Because I was injured you took that as your chance to kill me." I said as I know stood in front of her.

"She's right Nita, we all knew that you tried to kill her." Anna said backing me up.


Sorry for the short chapter but I'm already out of ideas. Please you can send any requests for the next chapter and in return I'll dedicate the next chapter to you. Please

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