The list

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Corki's POV
Friday night.

I left the house by  telling the others that I was going for a walk and I wanted to go alone. It took a lot of convincing before they agreed, well before Harry finally agreed.

Right now I was going to the cemetery to my family's grave. My grandmother was also buried beside them.

It was very dark, if I was still a human I would be having a major freak out session. I finally reached the oak tree but stopped suddenly when I heard voices. They were close enough for me to hear everything they were saying.

Unknown voice 1: "I brought the list like you asked."

Unknown voice 2: "Good and remember to make sure you keep that chest safe Jack."

Jack: "I have men posted at the entrance of the cave, I assure you its heavily guarded Nita."


Nita: "how many times have I told you not to call me Nita only my friends and family call me Nita. Call me Lucy, Lucy is and forever will be my real name. Got it!"

Jack: *whimpers and quickly nods head* " I u- understand."

Nita: "you better, or you know what will happen to you. Now go."

I heard footsteps crunching on dead leaves as they left. I waited for a few more minutes before I quickly left.

I made my way to the store to buy ice-cream for everyone. While I waited in line I couldn't help but  think about what I heard earlier on.

It didn't take long for me to pay for the ice-cream and I went straight home. Making sure to block my mind before entering the house.

"Hey you're back!" Nelly squealed.

"I wasn't even out that long." I giggled at her reaction.

"OK, now who wants some ice-cream?!" I said as I went into the kitchen.

"Me!" Everyone yelled at the same time.

Harry helped me share it out for everyone and pretty soon we were all sitting down in the living room eating.

"Hey uh, where's Nita?" I asked .

"Oh, she's up in her room." Louis said with a mouth full.

Just then she entered the living room.

"Nita, I could get you some ice- cream." I said as she came and sat on the ground with me.

"Thanks and I'm sorry for trying to hurt you the other day." She apologized.

Everyone's eyes widened like saucers, it seems as if its the first time that Nita did an apology.

"Its ok, its in the past, now let me go get your ice-cream. Anyone want refills?" I asked as I got up.

Everyone nodded and I took all the cups and went back into the kitchen and in a jiffy finished and went back into the living room and gave everyone their refills.

I was about to sit down again when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said into the phone as I dug I into the ice-cream.

"Corki, its Lillian, I know I gave you a vacation but tomorrow one of the waiters won't be able to make it, will you be able to come down here and work her shift?"  Lillian said.

"Sure, I'll be there. Good night." I said.

"Goodnight." She replied back before hanging up.

"Well guys, I'll be working tomorrow so I'm gonna finish my ice-cream take a shower and go straight to bed." I said as I placed my phone in between my legs.

A few minutes later I entered my room, took a warm relaxing shower, brushed my teeth and put on my PJs.

After that I crawled into bed.
"Shoot, I forgot I didn't take out what I was gonna wear tomorrow." I scolded myself.

Turning on the lights, I walked to my closet and took out a pink strapless dress, a white leather jacket and white ankle boots and got out my white hand bag and placed what I need in it and then turned the lights off.

I fell asleep as soon as my head touched my pillow.

Corki's POV

Rolling over for the final time only to end up on the ground with a loud thud.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed then heard laughing.

"You OK baby?" Harry asked as he continued laugh.

"I'm a 100% fine, it was great falling off the bed maybe next time I'll just drag you down with me." I stared at him with a large grin.

And in a swift movement I flipped the bed making him fall down. Then it was my turn to crack up as I fixed the bed.

Harry got up with a murderous look on his face and then he started grinning and wiggling his eye brows.

"No!" I squealed as I grabbed up my under garments and ran straight to the bathroom locking it.

Turning around I practically jumped out of my skin as Harry stood there staring at me.

"Harry!" I pouted.
"OK, I'll leave out but I'll catch you." He said as left the bathroom.

After he left I did my regular routine and was finished in the next 30 minutes. Exiting the bathroom, I got dressed and brushed my hair and put it up in a bun.

Going downstairs and into the kitchen, I saw Harry and Zyan preparing breakfast.

"Good morning." Zyan said when I entered the kitchen.

"Hey Zyan and this is not a good morning form me." I said as I got a blood bag and pour the blood into a cup.

"What happened?" He asked as he sat down and dug into his mac and cheese.

"Oh, she fell off the bed this morning." Harry said as he bit into his sandwich.

Zyan bursted out laughing.

"Oh, well he missed out the part when he was laughing while he was on the bed and I flipped the bed making sure that he landed perfectly on his face." I replied back giggling at the memory.

Putting down my empty glass in the sink, got my stuff and kissed Zyan on the cheek and Harry on the lips and left for work.

Let me know what you guys think. Please remember to vote, comment and please check out Teacher's Pet written by Kimmy_lovely. Have a great day.

Hugs and kisses from
Your lovey dovey

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