What are you doing here?

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Harry's POV

I changed Corki, I didn't want to loose her, I love her so much. When I found out that Nita had something to do with Corki blacking out and almost dying I was so angry I nearly killed her but Niall and Liam stopped me.

"Harry, take Corki upstairs." Louis said.

Nodding my head, I kneeled down and took Corki in my arms as her head rested in the crook of my neck, she was so warm. Getting up I used vampire speed to get to her room.

Once I was there I locked the door and placed her on the bed. She looked so peaceful yet she was in pain.

Taking a seat beside her, I watched her chest moving up and down, when suddenly her heartbeat started slowing down rapidly.

"Nita stop, you're hurting her!" I heard Anna yelled.

Nita was doing this, I have to save her. Brushing the hair away from Corki's neck and stared at her pulse going up and down.

"Corki please forgive me for doing this now but please don't leave me, I love you." I whispered as I lowered my head to her neck.

Her sweet blood filled the empty space between us, my canines extended and I slow pierced her skin, her blood rushed into my mouth as I sucked on her neck.

I made my venom enter her open wound, I could here it spreading through her veins. Retracting my teeth, I licked her wound until it stopped bleeding.

Pulling back I bit my wrist and held it up to her lips and begged her to drink which she did.

After all of that, I went downstairs and left her there to relax.


"Hey man, how is she?" Louis asked.

"She'll be fine, I turned her." I said as Zyan throw me a blood bag which I caught with ease.

"What?!" Nita yelled.

"How could you, you were the one who turned me. You said you love me." Nita said walking over to me.

"I know I turned you, the only reason why that happened was that you were attacked by a vampire and I only loved you as a friend nothing more and don't forget that I still can kill you." I said as I felt my eyes turning red.

At that moment Corki just appeared in front of us.

She and Nita had their talk and have to say it went pretty well.

Corki turned around and sat beside me resting her head on my shoulder and I just brought her closer than before and placed a light kiss on her forehead.

Corki's POV

Harry pulled me closer to him and I didn't mind at all.

"Thank you Harry." I said smiling.

"Your welcome." He mumbled in my hair.

Looking up at him I whispered "I love you too."

When I said that, I swore I saw a bright twinkle in his eyes.

"Did you hear me ?" He asked as a smile crept on his face.

"Yes, somehow I heard everything you said and I'll forever love you." I said.

"Awwwwww, that's swo cute." Niall said in a baby voice which made me blush bright red while Harry chuckled.

"Come on, " I said as I got up and grabbed Harry's hand pulling him up with me.

"Where are we going?' He asked.
"My room, where else." I replied.

When we reached the stairs Anna yelled, "don't go make babies now!"

"Anna!" I shouted.

"Just saying." She replied back.

In bedroom

"OK, is there anything I should try or learn?" I asked Harry as I plopped on my bed.

"First let's see if you can connect with me in your mind, so close your eyes." He said and I did as I was told.

"Done." I giggled.

After what felt like hours or should I say a few seconds Harry wasn't speaking and then I felt something being  tied  and knew that Harry was blindfolding me.

"Just relax." He whispered making chills run up and down my spine.

"Now try to find me." He said and then the room fell silent.

I started to concentrated on my breathing. I then felt as if I was being pulled in another direction with my mind.

Then I felt as if I was connected to Harry but wasn't sure until I hear this,
"I love you Corki."

A smile tugged on my lips and I slowly slid off the bed and stood up straight, there was still a force pulling me somewhere. I heard faint movement  behind me and slowly turning around.

But then I felt hands gently yet gracefully wrap themselves around my waist and I was pulled back into a hard chest.

"You were great, I felt you in my mind." Harry said as he took the blind fold off.

Turning around to face him as he put a strand of my hair behind my ear and his hand rested there.

Soon I found myself leaning in along with him until there was a knock on the door.

"What?!" Harry yelled as I giggled at his sudden outburst.

"Corki you have a visitor." It was Liam's voice.

"Alright. I wonder who's there?" I said to myself as I went downstairs.

Harry followed behind me, opening the door I was frozen in place.

"What are you doing here?" I said through gritted teeth.

"I need to talk to you ..."
"No Chuck stay away from me. Just stay away." I cut him off with my words.

I felt Harry tensed up behind me.
Chuck looked at him with a murderous look.

"Who's this?" Chuck said with disgust.

My hand flew up and punched him in the jaw.

"What the hell was that for?!" He yelled holding his jaw.

"Now we're even that's one punch each." I said and then his hand went up to slap me but Harry caught it mid air.

"Never lay your hand on my girl again, do I make myself clear?"  Harry asked as Chuck's eyes widened.

Chuck looked at me then back at Harry then left.

I hope this chapter went well. Enjoy and thanks for the follow

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