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Brittany's POV
@ 12 in the afternoon.

I have been visiting my favourite places to hang out but all the walking had me tired and hungry. I was about to cross the street but a building caught my eye.

Lillian's Restaurant it said in big bold gold letters. I headed straight to the restaurant and went in and I must say that it was very welcoming.

I took a seat away from the window and as soon as I sat down, taking up the menu and began browsing through the delicious meals and drinks they had to offer.

"Welcome to Lillian's restaurant, how may I take your order?" Someone said. Looking up I was surprised to see none other than Corki.

"Hey, didn't know you worked here." I said.

"Its great to see you again Brittany." Corki replied smiling.

"Likewise." I returned the smile.

"So what can I get you?" She asked.

"Um, can I have, spaghetti with the mashed potatoes and meatballs and a glass of orange juice." I asked as I put the menu back down on the table.

"Sure, it'll be ready in the next ten minutes." She replied but before she walked off she slipped a paper in my hand.

Looking around making sure no one's looking. I unfolded the paper traveling the hidden message.

"We need to talk. I don't know if what I have is important."

@ 3 in the afternoon

Corki's POV

As soon as I finished work, I drove Brittany back to her apartment and told her everything that I over heard the previous night.

"What you have heard might be important. When I reach home, I'm going to mail you some books which can only be opened with the tiniest drop of your blood. Only you can do that and to be on the safe side, no one will be able to find nor read it because it will be blank to them and non existent." Brittany replied.

"OK, thanks." I said as I pulled up at her apartment building.

"Hey, please keep smiling and I'm gonna send a friend for you in 2 days. His name is Adam. Please be ready by then and meet me here @ midnight. " She replied before getting out.

After she left, I drove straight home.
Upon reaching home, I got a text from Harry to meet him at the cliff because Louis was injured badly.

Running back to my car, hopped in and drove to the cliff. Within minutes I pulled up and looked around.

"Harry?!" I yelled but didn't hear anything.

Walking over to the edge off the cliff, and looking down I saw Harry lying face down on a rock.

"Harry!" I screamed, at that moment a twig snapped behind me, turning around quickly I saw Chuck with a rifle in his hands.

That's when two shots rang out. Looking down I saw the blood oozing unto my dress below my belly button.

My hand went up to put pressure on it as a little blood escaped my lips. Then I was pushed off the cliff, everything was a blur before I heard a bang and blacked out.

Jack's POV

"Killing her was really easy. Chuck report back to Nita and tell her Harry is all hers now." I said as we left the cliff.

Brittany's POV

I was about to take a shower when, I had a vision showing Corki getting shot and pushed off the cliff.

Luckily, I did a quickly spell that will make her land on something smoother but to her and her enemies sound loud.

Quickly taking out my phone I called Adam.

"Hello?" He said into the phone.

"Adam get down here now, its Corki." I said as I started packing my stuff.

Brandon's POV

I was in Adam's office when Brittany called. After hearing what happened to Corki we told her that we were coming.

I went to my room and got dressed in a black jeans pants, grey shirt and black sneakers.

Also I made sure to bring a few knives just in case, truth is I like to be prepared for anything.

My powers are- shape shifting, time traveler, healer and communicate with animals.

Adam's POV

I went to my room and got dressed in a white shirt, black leather jacket and a black sneakers. Also making sure that I have a tracker on me just in case and a few knives as well although I knew that Brandon was taking his .

Well it's like they say better to be safe than sorry. My powers are- controlling fire, compulsion, levitation and super strength.

Brittany's POV.

I've been waiting for two whole hours for the boys to shoe up. After I called them, I used my powers to bring Corki's unconscious body to my apartment.

I had finished taking the bullet out of her, changed her clothes and sat down for two hours before there was a knock on the door.

By now its 8 in the evening when they came. We has to take Corki with us so that we will be able to look after her properly.

Adam took her into into his arms while Brandon helped me get my books.

Harry's POV.

I was waiting for Corki to come home but she didn't show up. After a while she texted me saying that she has some kind of a promotion and won't be home for a few days and not to worry, she's staying with Lillian and she also promised to drink animal blood while she was away.

Nita's POV

I was in my room sitting on the bed waiting for Jack to call. Just then my phone buzzed on the bed.

"Hello?" I said into the phone as I pulled back the covers.

"Lucy, the job's done." Jack replied, making a victory smile creep up my face at what he said.

"Very good, very good. I'll meet up with you in a few days from now. Now remember to speak to The Blood Rogue Pack, and Jack don't mess this up we need those wolves." I said before hanging up.

Tomorrow 's a new day and history changes.

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