The Call

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Corki's POV

Just as I came out five guys walked in, they were all finger licking good.

OK back to earth Corki, besides you should not be thinking like that, I mean you just came out of a relationship. I cursed myself.

They took a booth to the back of the restaurant, taking a deep breath I walked over to them taking my time.

"Hello, welcome to Lillian's restaurant how may I take your order?" I said smiling.

The one that really caught my eye was the one with curly brown thin shoulder length hair.

They all placed down their menus,
"We would like mashed potatoes, ham with pepper, three fruit punch and two red wine."

The white haired one said while I scribbled on the note pad in my hand.

"I'll be back soon with your meal." I said as I walked away.

"Chef order for table 9." I said as I gave her the note.

10 minutes later everything was ready and I brought everything back to their table with the help of Greg.

Placing their meals on the table, with a smile, but while doing that somehow I felt as if eyes were burning on my neck but shrugged it off.

"Hope you enjoy your meal." I said and walked away not getting very far when

"Hey Corki phone call." Alice said loud enough for me to hear.

Luckily there was another phone on the wall next to me.

"Hello?" I answered in the phone.

"Is this Corki?" A male voice asked on the other end.

"Yes this is she, who's this?" I asked as I looked at Alice who was still here.

"This is doctor Brown from the hospital , I think you should come its your grandmother." He said

That's all it took for me to know that something was wrong.

Hanging up the phone I started to in tie my apron.

"Corki what's wrong?" Alice asked.

"It's granny, please take over my shift?" I begged as I handed her my apron.

"Go " she said as I quickly walked to the staff room and got my bag and walked out. As the restaurant door closed behind me I ran to my car and jumped in and sped away in the direction of the hospital.

By 9:30 I pulled up in front of the hospital. Getting out making sure to lock the car I ran in.

Before I made it to my grandmother's room the door opened and I saw her body being taken from the room.

I quicken my pace ," granny what's wrong?" I asked as I looked at her.

She didn't respond, "granny please tell me, please talk to me." I begged.

I looked up at the nurse who didn't say anything but she had a sorrowful look I'm her eyes. Which made mine widened automatically, looking down at granny I then realized that her chest wasn't moving and she was cold.

No she can't be. I told myself shaking my head a s the years started falling

"Granny, please don't go." I begged while I gently shook her.

That's when it hit me hard,
"Granny!!" I screamed as I hugged her lifeless body.

"Please wake up granny, please I'm hear, they said you'll be fine!" I screamed.

Someone pulled me away as I cried as I watched her body disappeared from my sight.

After I calmed down I left the hospital and went straight home. My eyes were still puffy from crying.

Walking into the lime green kitchen, opening the fridge my eyes landed on a beer.

I took it out  and without thinking I started drinking. Within minutes I finished two bottles as all the memories of my parents' and sister's death hit me like a wrecking ball.

Tears still flowed, somehow I left the house and allowed my feet to take me where they want while I continued drinking in the night as I continued to cry.

Minutes later I came to a clearing when I started screaming.

"Why?! Why?! Why didn't you take me with you granny!" I screamed .

"First mom, dad and Tori now you! Who's going to be hear with me, I have no one Chuck also left me!" I still screamed as I threw the empty bottle in front of me.

I fell down on my knees and cried louder, forcing myself to stand up I shouted again," please come back granny!" As I looked at the dark night sky.

Walking forward so far I felt myself fall.

"Aaaaahhhhhh!" I screamed and out of nowhere strong arms caught me from falling. 

Whoever caught me that person and whoever  was with him had flashlights.

"D- dad, g- granny died ."  I whispered before darkness consumed me.

Harry's POV

The lads and I  stopped at Lillian's restaurant but stopped outside when we heard an angelic voice singing
Looking inside we saw a beautiful girl wearing a red puppy tail dress with silver belt or waist band.

When she was finished we went in and got a table. Not much long after the same beauty came to take our order. I was lost in her ocean blue eyes so Niall told her what we wanted.

A couple minutes later she came back with an older guy who helped her. But right now her blood smells good thank god we only drink animal blood.

She left but stopped when someone called her Corki. Which is  a beautiful name.

However after we finished our meals we were walking in the woods when we heard screaming.

"Why?! Why?! Why didn't you take me with you granny?!" The voice yelled.

We all rushed to where the yelling was coming from just in time to see a girl about to fall of the edge of the cliff using vampire speed, I caught her before anything bad happens.

Clearly this girl is really drunk, Zyan had his flashlight with him, turning it on my eyes widened at the face.

A tear stained face with puffy red eyes. This was the same girl we saw at the restaurant, looking up at the others they had the same expression as me.

"D- dad, g- granny died." This girl whispers before she blacked out as one last tear fell from her eye and ran down her cheek.

"Let's take her home." Louis said while he rested his hand on my shoulder.

Nodding my head in agreement I lifted the Angel in my arms bridal style and we used vampire speed to get back to our cabin.

We only stay at the cabin whenever we are on vacation, short vacation.

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