Day Thirteen

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Donald Trump's POV
I woke up the next morning at 12:36 after spending until two am on wattpad well rested. My campaign was going great, I had over 1k reads on some dank book. Unfortunately my room was a disaster since Jared hadn't cleaned in a while, and I'm a lazy slob, and the company was bringing me a new bed from the Dank Gods.
I almost forgot.
I decided it would be best if I pretended I didn't know anything, and act normal. I felt like killing him right on the spot like I did Bob, but I had a better idea.
For now I just marched into the kitchen to get my morning glass of chocolate milk. Jared was sitting at the table, his stupid face in a book. The book had a purple cover and a rare pepe on front, it was called "How To Be Dank" written by the one and only Dankpancakeman. How cool. Except Jared that BEAST was touching it.
"Clean my room." I ordered Jared.
"Do it yourself." He said with an evil grin. My face turned as red as a tomato. My blood was boiling. The pulsing vein in my forehead popped. I reached over and slapped him hard across the face and stomped out of the room, growing more and more angry by the minute.
I sat on the dirty ass floor in my room for hours. Cleaning this would be emotionally and physically too much for me. I cried and cried with My Chemical Romance playing in the background. Poor little emo, I needed to grow up, but I felt so betrayed and alone. I was too lost and dependant on Jared.
After eight hours of trash bags, sweeping and vacuuming I finally was done. I felt so exhausted I collapsed onto my dank bed. I logged onto wattpad and decided to bless my readers at 11:40 with another chapter from their hero, but I felt more depressed than any of my readers ever thought I could be.

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