Day Fourteen

406 46 14

Donald Trump's POV
I just layed in my bed for days, not getting up at all. I just ignored the buzzing of my phone, telling me I had wattpad notifications. I didn't cry, in fact I didn't feel sad at all, I just felt numbness. Numbness slowly killed me, made me have no motivation.
Suddenly Pepe burst into my room on a unicycle. Pepe wore bright colorful clothing and cheap clown make up. A fake smile was plastered on her face. Her cheery tone was false.
"Get up Trumpy we need to get you happy and energized. We got the wattys to win!" Pepe smiled and turned on the light, slightly blinded me for a few seconds.
"I don't wanna." I whined and pulled my blanket over my head.
"Donald! That's no way to talk! Come on, biking will make you feel better. You can't be Mr Grumpy Cat all the time! You're the dankest person I know."
Pepe still dragged me out of bed anyway, and I was sat on a dank mountain bike. I groaned. I was freezing my tits off, I hated physically activity and it was 7 AM. Not my cup of Pepe's Grandmother's lemonade.
I started pedaling and felt all my burdens lifted. I felt free. The cold air blowing in my face, the smooth ride of my bike. I felt unstoppable.
"TRUMPIE ARE YOU ALRIGHT!!!" Pepe screamed. "I'm sorry I guess biking was a bad idea after all."
"THAT. WAS. DANK." I yelled of joy. "Can we do it again?"
"Umm Trump you're bleeding I think we should clean the wounds and put a bandaid on that first."
I finally got my mojo back, I updated everyday, replied to comments everyday, and followed everyone back. Life was good again. I had many votes, and I think I actually had a shot winning the wattys. I think I can actually make wattpad great again with my broken memes.
But I didn't forget.

Donald Trump Meets Wattpad [Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now