Day Twenty Eight

183 25 15

Donald Trump's POV

Pantato took me out to breakfast real early in the morning. Pantato seemed like she was stalling for time, she kept ordering a bunch of food claiming she was "still hungry" and eating really really slow. She went to the bathroom six times and each time she stayed in there for ten minutes. I was starting to get a little annoyed but I didn't want to rush her.

After breakfast she didn't drive me home like I expected, no she took me to the apple blossom mall and we sat right in front of the main doors. The mall wasn't even open yet. It wouldn't be for an hour. Pantato kept saying it wouldn't be that long and I just wanted to go home.

Lucky we were close enough to the building and I could connect to the internet. I logged onto wattpad and decided to look at my demographics. A lot of the map was coloured with a light blue. I realized then that, my book, is the only thing known by a big chunk of the world. I will forever be remembered as the Donald Trump Meets Wattpad writer. 

The mall finally opened and I left Pantato to go to Hot Topic. I spent all my money on band shirts and anime shit. I got weird looks from the workers as I fangirled over Black Veil Brides merchandise. Pantato eventually found me and we went to the mall's movie theater and watched THREE FOUR hour movies in a row.

When we were in line to get a ticket for the fourth ticket, She got a text. Pantato quickly rushed me out of the movie theater  and sped down the road. I was really confused. What could possibly be a reason to be in such a hurry? 

When we reached home she immediately ran in and ignored me. I walked into the plaza. The room was completely black. Suddenly, the lights flickered on.

"SUPRISE BITCH." Jared yelled.

"Such surprise very shock much confused."Doge  said.

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