chapter 1 : the child of the prophecy

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Ordeals of a Demon Hunter

Chapter 1: The Child of the Prophecy (Lyle)

“Lyle!!! Wake up!!!” My teacher’s voice was harsh and aggravated. “Honestly, Lyle. I can’t have you sleeping in my class.”

 I raised my head sleepily. It was 2:50, my school got out 20 minutes ago.

  “You need to focus on your schoolwork more, Mr. Lancenheart. It’s the only way you can succeed.”

 My teacher sounded more sincere this time. “Yes sir.” I said as I picked up my bag. “I’ll do better next time”, he replied “That’s all I can ask for.” With that, I left the school.

My name is Lyle Lancenheart, I’m 16, and I live in Starlight City. It’s a place you’ve probably never heard of. It’s hard to focus on school when you’re living by yourself in this place, because something, day or night, is always happening. The school pays for my rent because I’m an orphan. My parents were killed in a house fire when I was a baby, but they never found the bodies, so I didn’t believe them. Geez, my life is hard. How would I describe myself? Hmmm I would probably say that I’m okay looking with brown shaggy hair and about average size. When I left the school, I decided not to go back to my apartment. Instead, I went to the town square to watch the sparring matches. This usually means I get to watch the meat heads at my school beat each other with wooden swords. It’s quite entertaining to say the least. When I got there, the square was somewhat empty. It only had 3 boys practicing, and I could hear them grunting and breathing heavily as they go at it with the wooden swords. One boy saw me.

“Hey, look who it is, Little Lyle Lancenheart.”

 The boys stopped and looked at me.

 “Did you come here to get an ass kicking?” One boy said beating his wooden sword in his hand.

 Before I could say anything, one boy threw a wooden sword to me. Instinctively I caught it. I threw it down and gave them a strange look.

 “What the hell do you want me to do with this?” I asked. “I don’t fight.”

 One of the three boys walked up to me. He had black spiky hair and smelled like he just rolled around in rancid meat. They were somewhat muscular and wore white shirts, red ties, blue jeans, and black shoes.

 “Well, we can’t beat you defenseless now can we?” He said with an obnoxious smirk.

 “That’s not honorable!” another one said.

 He had long blond hair that was tied back into a pony tail. The third one walked up to me and stuck his wooden sword into my chest. He had short, slicked back, orange hair.

 “Pick up the damn sword!” he said.

 I could tell they were running on pure adrenaline. I could beat them easily. I took up martial arts for this exact reason. I picked up the sword, sighed and said “if that’s how you want it.” The boys charged at me. The one with spiky black hair thrusted his sword at my chest. I sidestepped his attack and hit him in the back with my sword.

 He fell to the floor with a “GAHHHH!!!”

 Next, the one with slicked back orange hair tried to cut down my chest. I responded by stepping backwards and jabbing him in the stomach. My jab knocked the wind out of him, causing him to crumble to his knees.

“B-bastard”! He gasped.

 Finally, the blonde kid with the pony tail jumped towards me. Obviously, he was the leader of the group. He threw the sword at me. I blocked it, but it made the sword fall out of my hand. He jumped, grabbed me by my shirt collar, and pinned me to a wall.

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