chapter 24 :Friedriech (unfinished)

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As I slept that night I had the usual dream. I was on a battle field with other soldiers and the city we were in was in ruins.

“Captain Schoher, what do we do? Do we retreat?” I heard a voice say.

I thought to myself “Damn it! Not this again!”

“No, we won’t retreat just yet. We can still win this fight!” I felt my lips move.

I Began running unwillingly towards a building that had several large bullet holes in it and a missing wall. As I hid behind the protection I saw 4 men get torn to shreds by a machine gunner. I then lifted up my arms and shot a few assault rifle rounds at the machine gunner who was mounted on top of a large building that bore a Russian flag.

“When did I pick up this gun?” I thought to myself. “I know that this is a dream but it feels so real. In fact, a little too real. I then ran into a large building. Inside, I found several men with guns all packed inside of a great, narrow, hall. Luckily for me they were all facing different directions to protect different flanks, I guess that the machine gunner was supposed to protect the front. I immediately shot at all of them.

“You fool! Why did you do that? There gonna find you!” I screamed in my head. It was pretty clear to me now that I wasn’t in my own body. I killed all of the soldiers out of sheer luck and moved on. I ran in the direction where the flag was at. I walked into a room that had another door on the side but was met with the ground rushing towards my face. The man who’s head I was in then picked himself up, a bloody mess, and proceeded heading towards his destination.

“You moron! There is somebody behind you! Look, look!” I screamed, but it was in vain.

There was a sound of the door closing. “I” looked behind me and saw 3 Russian soldiers standing in front of a closed door. I then began running to the exit even though I wanted to fight them, but I was still unable to control my own movements. I was blocked by a really buff Russian commando who I recognized immediately as Artyom. He was wearing the same attire that he wore when I saw him at the cabin.

“Greetings! My name is Artyom, Commander of Triangle team. It is Triangle team because that is what I name it, got problem? You are lucky one who gets to be rat that I use to get out my frustration.” He said with excitement.

He began stretching and cracking his bones.

“Listen to me you idiot, just jump out the window. There is no other chance of survival, just run!” I shouted again in vain.

“I am nobody’s rat!” said my mouth.

I charged at him full speed which for this body wasn’t very fast. Artyom stepped aside and slammed his fist into my ribcage, crushing me in-between him and the doorframe. Luckily my ribs didn’t break. He then pulled his fist back and released another punch, this time in my stomach. The punch pushed me through the doorframe and part of the wall.


“Get up! Get up you pathetic weakling! You have a golden opportunity to run so do it!” I screamed.


I don’t know if he heard me or not but when I screamed all he did was twitch a little.

“What a shame, he didn’t last as long as the others.” Said Artyom.

He then approached the broken body and examined the dog tag.


“Alois Schoher, I will pay your family a visit in your home town. Perhaps they will be more fun than you were.” Said Artyom.

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