chapter 5 : Luna nightstorm (Lyle)

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After I ate my last slice of pizza I walked sleepily to my bed. That night I had a terrible nightmare about what happened to Jyro. I could see him getting hurt and tortured by that clone and that clones grin never leaving my sight. “AAAAAHHHHHHHH!” I woke up screaming. “Who’s there!?” yelled Brute jumping up half asleep. “Nobody” I said. “I just had a bad dream.” “Damn kid waking me up at 2 in the morning.” Mumbled Brute. Surprisingly during all of the screaming I didn’t wake Vincent. I looked down at myself. My clothes were soaked from sweat. I got out of bed and went into the shower. I got undressed and got in. I turned on the water and I sat down. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I had dreamed about. By the time I got out of the shower the sun was shining through our window. I looked at the clock. It was 8:30 in the morning. I got dried off, got dressed and walked outside. I sat on the patio of the inn pondering about the dream I had Jyros screams still haunting me. I heard footsteps behind me I looked back and I saw Vincent. “So, what are you doing out here all by yourself?” asked Vincent. “I can’t get that nightmare out of my head.” I said to Vincent. I have to know what happened to Jyro.” “But what about the portal to hell?” Vincent asked. “That can wait we have to go find Jyro first.” I walked towards the woods. I knew brute wouldn’t mind me leaving besides he was still asleep. As I was walking I saw a girl screaming and running from a group of gangsters. “Now just give me the purse and I won’t have to cut that pretty face of yours you little brat!” said one of the gang members. All of the gang members looked the same. Black Mohawks and black pants with no shirts and them all wore black boots. “HEY!” I yelled at the gang. “What do you 2 kids want?” said one of the gang members. “Leave her alone!” I shouted. The gang laughed at the idea of me stopping them. They couldn’t stop laughing. I got angry at them laughing at me. I HATE, HATE, HATE BEING LAUGHED AT! I dashed at them. I jumped; I kicked one of the gang members in the face. He landed on the floor unconscious. The other members started to whimper. They picked up there fallen comrade and ran away. “Are you ok?” I asked the girl. She was a girl about the age of 15. Her hair was a black and it was about shoulders length. Her hair was straight. She was exactly my height. She was a little skinnier than me. She wore black jeans and a purple t-shirt. She carried a black purse with her. She had green eyes that matched her skin complexion perfectly. “What’s your name?” I asked her. “My name is Luna.” She replied. “Nice to meet you Luna, I’m Lyle!” I said. “Nice to meet you Lyle” she said to me as she was trying to hide her blush. “Thank you for saving me.” “No Problem” I replied. “Lyle we have to go.” Said Vincent “Right!” I said. “See you later Luna!” “Bye Lyle!” she said. I noticed that after talking to her my pockets felt a little lighter. I walked towards the woods to search for Jyro. When we arrived at our old camp spot we immediately noticed some major differences. We followed a trail of broken down trees and blood spots until we found one tree that wasn’t broken down but had a crater in it the size of a human head. From there I followed a trail of blood to an open area where I found a patch of grass that was painted red with blood. I started back towards our old camp site to look for clues when I saw a burnt patch of grass. I examined it but couldn’t find any clues. I walked back to town with Vincent wondering where Jyro was.

CHAPTER 5 PART 2 : (Jyro)

As I lay there on the ground weak and helpless I knew that there wasn’t much I could do but try to not give the enemy much information. “So, what do you know about the prophecy child Lyle Lancenheart?” asked the female voice. “Who are you?” I asked the female voice. “I would think that you would remember me Jyro, after all I did almost kill you once and now I’m about to succeed in doing it if you don’t give me that information.” Her voice seemed playful. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I said to the voice. I was still trying to remember who it was. “Jyro.” The voice called me. I saw a figure walk out of the shadows of the woods. Suddenly I remembered. “Aphrodite! Why are you here?!” I yelled at her. She was a woman about an inch shorter than me. Her hair was blue on the left half and pink on the other and went down to the center of her back. She had a blue right eye and a red left eye. Her skin was pale white. She wore black leather pants with a black t-shirt with a band logo on it. She wore black tennis shoes that had pink laces on them. “What’s the matter?, didn’t expect me to join in on Lucifer’s biggest man hunt?, there’s a really big reward this time, the winner gets a mass amount of power from Lucifer himself.”

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