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As Lucifer approached the door, my heart filled with fear. I was too afraid to move. As he got closer and closer, I got more and more scared. Finally the door opened.

“Well look who we have here!” said Lucifer with slight excitement.

He grabbed me by my hair and threw me into his chamber, I was followed by Friedriech. I hit the ground hard and my senses were jumbled around, I couldn’t see, smell, hear, taste, or feel anything for a few seconds. When I came to my senses, I found that Jyro and Vincent were still bowed down even though Lucifer wasn’t there. I got up and summoned my sword and my wolf. I was ready for battle. I began running at Lucifer but was stopped by Vincent.

“I’m sorry Lyle, but I’m not going to fight you today.” He said with a smirk. “Instead, you will fight my son, BEGIN!” he shouted.

Vincent began attacking me with rapid and precise attacks. Each of them aiming for my chest. I barely avoided one of his attacks and then I saw it, the one opportunity that could change the battle. I seized it and landed a punch right on Vincent’s nose. Blood gushed out of his nose as he stumbled backwards shouting swears and screaming in pain.

“Damn it! Son of a bitch! You broke my damn nose!” he screamed.

I took this moment to catch my breath. I heard steel hitting steel and I turned around to se Friedriech and Jyro, clashing steel. I didn’t have long to watch as Vincent came back for another attack. I quickly turned around and blocked it with my sword and pushed his scythe away. Blood was flowing from his nose and down his throat, all the way to his chest where it disappeared under his shirt. He charged at me again but this time he didn’t swing at me with his scythe, he swung at me with a mighty kick that caught me off guard and knocked me off my feet and sent me flying back a few feet. Vincent then flew above me with his scythe raised over his head and began falling towards me. I quickly rolled out of the way just seconds before I heard a soft “ping” on the ground next to me and picked myself off of the ground.  As Vincent attempted to pull his scythe out of the ground, I began running towards him. I prepared for a devastating blow but stopped when I was slammed into the wall by Seiko, Vincent’s snake. The snake wrapped itself around my body and began to squeeze. I felt the oxygen slowly leaving my lungs, my vision blur and darken, my heart pounding as if it was about to explode. Then I remembered, I had a spirit animal too. I summoned Faolan to my aid and he attacked the snake, vigorously biting at its head and neck. The snake loosened its grip slightly, enough for me to breath by not to move. I felt a sudden surge of power flow through my body and a invisible shield of energy appeared around me, pushing the snake off of my and giving me full mobility. I was clueless as to where the shield had come from, but I’m glad that it came. The shield quickly disappeared, as I didn’t know how to control it, so I had to keep my guard up from now on.

I sprinted at Vincent with an intention to kill, he ran at me too. I slashed at him and he slashed at me, both of our attacks collided, causing a small shockwave.

“Vincent, Jyro!” called Lucifer. Come here, I have something to give you.” He said.

They both ran to him, completely forgetting there fights. Friedriech charged at them but was blocked off by a barrier made of blue, water like, fire. I could barely make out what was happening but I saw Jyro and Vincent kneeling before Lucifer. Suddenly, there was a burst of energy from the barrier, and the barrier vanished. Jyro and Vincent had vanished. There, kneeling before Lucifer, were 2 figures in a weird kind of armor. The first figures armor was completely black and had red trimming and hugged his body tightly. It also looked incredibly strong but flexible. He wore a helmet that had a glass visor which was also black with red trimmings. It had 2 red goats horns just above the visor and sported a red scythe with a black blade on his chest and his back. His boots were a black with no laces and he had red gloves on his hands. He looked like a super hero that I saw from a cartoon that I saw a long time ago. The other Figure looked the same but he didn’t have horns. His suit was red with blue trimming and he had a blue visor for his helmet. His helmet sported A Mohawk blade that lead from the top of his visor to the back of his helmet. His gloves were a mixed match of blue and red, same with his boots. On the front side of his suit, he sported a blue dragon. On the back, he sported a red dragon. Both of their weapons disappeared. I could tell that this wasn’t just a costume change.

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