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I waited for Jyro to get out of the pool before I made my escape. I knew that I wasn’t going to win this battle while he had all of those upgrades. I saw that Jyro was out of the pool but decided to stay in the pool for a few more seconds just to make sure that he didn’t know I was still alive. I was beginning to run out of air, I needed to break free now or die from lack of air. I sent a small jolt of electricity through the ice, cracking it. I then broke out of the ice and quickly swam up to the top. I looked around to make sure that everybody was gone. Luckily for me, the water park was empty except for me and Lyle. I quickly swam out of the freezing waters and walked over to where Lyle was, he was face down in a puddle of water and his own blood. I picked him up to see if he was conscious. Surprisingly, he was conscious but barely. I picked him up and placed him on my shoulder. I then activated my new lightning bounce technique and teleported Lyle and I back to our team at the forest of Amaranta. When we arrived there, everybody hugged and embraced us, but later stopped when they heard my shouts of pain.

“Hey Friedriech, are you ok?” asked Ambyr.

“I don’t feel like answering any questions right now, I don’t feel so good.” I said.

I released my new transformation and was overcome by feelings of fatigue and exhaustion. I collapsed onto the soft forest floor and fell asleep. I instantly began dreaming that I was in a dimly lit forest, whose only light was that of fireflies. The air was moist and refreshing, the grass on the ground had a fresh scent and it was rather calming. I decided to go exploring. I walked for what seemed like seconds, until I stumbled upon a large, opened area. I looked up and saw stars that shining brightly above me. They were very beautiful. A shooting star shot across the sky, hypnotizing me. I stared for a few minutes and then I heard a familiar voice.

“Friedriech, we need to talk.” Said the familiar voice.

I looked around and saw Jyro. I tried to activate my spirit weapon, but for some reason it wouldn’t activate.

 “There is no point in doing that here, it won’t work. You see, we are in the realm of dreams. So your spirit can’t be channeled the way that it can in the regular world. Right now, you’re as powerless as I am.” Said Jyro.

I growled at him. I began to feel angry. The forest that we were in began to catch on fire. The trees began to melt, the ground became sticky and wet, and water began to rise out of the floor. The forest that we were once in was now a swamp.

“Why are you here?” I shouted at Jyro.

“I have to tell you why I am siding with Lucifer, we don’t have much time.” He said to me.

“I already know why! You are a traitorous swine!” I spat back.

“No, listen! Lucifer has my daughter, I need to save her.” Said Jyro with sorrow in his eyes. “I didn’t want to fight you and I certainly didn’t want Lyle to get hurt.”

“You’re a liar! I know that you joined Lucifer for power!” I said angrily at Jyro.

“You’re wrong. I don’t have enough time for this.” He said to me.

He began walking away but then stopped.

“Friedriech, what happened to your clan?” asked Jyro.

That question stuck like a dagger in my chest. I began to feel tears build up behind my eyes and my emotions began to flow out.

“There all gone.” I whispered. “Why do you ask?”

“I have been talking with a little boy who has the same features as you.” Said Jyro. “Although he is a half demon, he strongly resembles a full demon. He is afraid of why he is in hell. He thinks that he has done something wrong because of what the soldiers said and did to him. He thinks that he is a sinner but he is a really nice boy.” Said Jyro.

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