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I heard an explosion in the distance as I was training with Brute. I ran outside and saw a giant smoke cloud rising in the distance so I ran to go see what it was. As I was running in the direction of the explosion I saw a tornado kick up. I quickly took shelter in a nearby building until it passed about 15 seconds later. I kept running towards where the explosion and now the tornado had been seen. When I got there, there was a huge crater in the ground and a bunch of trees ripped out of the ground. In the middle of the crater I saw 2 unconscious men. One man had long, white hair and 2 yellow gauntlets that looked a lot like Jyros and dog ears. And not too far from him I saw Jyro. They both looked like they had been trying to kill each other. I ran to Jyro. “Jyro! Jyro! Wake up! Are you ok!?” I shook Jyro until he was awake. “Where is Friedriech?” he asked me weekly.

“Who’s Friedriech?” I asked Jyro.  I turned my head to the other man who was unconscious.”Is that Friedriech?” I asked.

“That would be him.” He said. I helped Jyro up to his feet. However he was still off balanced.

“Lyle I need you to do me a favor.” He said “I need you to bring Friedriech to my house. I’m sure that Allister can show you how to get there.” Jyro limped ahead of me as I carried Friedriech. When we got to the dojo Allister looked a little afraid. “Jyro what are you doing bringing that man here?!” he shouted out of fear and anger. “Jyro don’t you remember what this man did to you?” he asked.

“Father he didn’t wrong me I wronged him. Besides I couldn’t leave him there, he has been seen with me, and because of this the guardians will hunt him down.” Said Jyro.

“But Jyro, He tried to kill you!” Allister shouted at Jyro.

“I know but I couldn’t give them the happiness of killing another demon.” Replied Jyro.

“You get him out of here at once!” shouted Allister. Allister and Jyro started arguing which was bad for Jyro considering the condition he was in. I crept outside to get away from the arguing and get some me time. I walked to the coffee shop where I found Vincent sleeping in a booth. I guess if I were beaten really badly and held against my will I would be tired too. I ordered 2 frappuccino’s and then sat down and waited for my order. I sat down in the booth that Vincent was in but decided to not wake him until I got my coffee. “Number 133 your frappuccino’s are ready!” shouted the cashier. I got my coffee and sat back down.

“Hey Vincent, wake up.” I said to him.

“Wha’?” said Vincent dazed and startled.

“I brought you some coffee.” I said handing him the frappuccino.

“Thank you.” He said. He drank it thirstily. “So Lyle how is your training with Brute going?” Vincent asked. “It’s going great! I’ve learned so much from just one session and even Allister is helping me.”

“That sounds nice. Maybe the next time we fight you would actually stand a chance.”

We both laughed but I knew he was serious. After we drank our coffee we went back to the dojo to see what was happening. When I opened the door I saw that Friedriech was awake and fighting with Jyro. He had Jyros only working arm caught in one of his hands and Allister in between the 2 of them holding Friedriech’s other hand. Allister closed his eyes for a few seconds. His eyes started to glow a dark green color. When he opened then Jyro and Friedriech were sent flying into the walls of the dojo. “verdammt ich kann mich nicht bewegen!” (Damn it, I can’t move!) Said Friedriech.

“Dad, release us! I’m not done with him!” shouted Jyro.

“Jyro, I think you are done.” Said Allister calmly. “You have a broken arm and you have zero to no spirit energy left. Now Friedriech on the other hand barely has and bruises from that fight. Face it Jyro, you didn’t win this time.” Saying this calmed Friedriech down but only made Jyro weaker. “Graaaahhh! Shut up! Release me from this spell and I’ll show you that I can win with only one arm!” shouted Jyro.

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