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I walked to the dojo where I used to train. I saw brute training Lyle. I walked in just in time to see Lyle deliver one of my signature spinning jump kicks. “Good Lyle, you are learning well.” I heard the sound of a familiar voice. I looked to my left and saw my father Allister.

“Father!” I said with excitement. I ran to him and embraced him. “It has been way too long, how have you been?” I asked

“I have been very well, thank you for asking. How have you been?” He asked.

“Well aside from getting controlled by one of the guardians and almost getting killed by a robot, I’ve been pretty good.” My father looked astonished at the fact that I was still alive. I watched as Lyle and brute trained together. It seemed that they were both getting better from this. Brute was getting faster and Lyle was learning shadow arts (the fighting style of the shadow clan). I walked outside to look for Vincent and Luna. It wasn’t to my surprise that I found them at one of the only restaurants in the hideout. I walked into the restraint and decided to join them. They didn’t talk about much, I could understand why. Vincent still didn’t have any new clothes. They were torn up from what I assume was a battle. And as for Luna well she was looking ok but tired. I ordered something off the menu and then went to go train in the woods on the outskirts of the hideout. As I trained I heard a noise. I ran to investigate this noise .I jumped into a tree to see if I could see where the noise was coming from. Suddenly before I could react a giant boomerang came flying at me. It snapped the branch I was on. I hit the ground with a THUD. I got up a little dazed but something plowed into my chest. I was on the ground again. I looked up and saw a very familiar face. He had long white hair with purple and blue highlights, ears, and he was bearing his teeth at me. I remembered his face. Jyro Alstream! You stole mein (my) wife and now Ich werde deine Seele zu stehlen (I’m going to steal your soul.)” he revealed to me his arm blades. He lunged them at my face; luckily I got out of the way. I kicked him off of me and quickly got up. I remembered who this guy was. His name is Friedriech des Blitze, and I remember him as if I had just met him yesterday, after all how could I forget that day. It was the day that I got exiled from the clan. I slept with the princess which was to be his wife. He has hated me ever since. He lunged at me. I jumped over him but he was always faster than me. He caught my by the foot and electrocuted me. I dropped to the floor. He backed up to catch his breath. I forgot that he had a problem controlling his spirit energy, he must have zapped himself. I fought to stand back up. My muscles were convulsing out of control. I tried to stand up but my legs kept convulsing I fell back to the ground. Finally Friedriech got back up. This wasn’t good. I fought again to get back up but my legs still weren’t working right. He dashed at me with his electric blades exposed. There was no time to try to get back up I was going to die here. Without even thinking I grabbed his wrist. He toppled over me and I was on my back. My muscles stopped convulsing and I had full control of my limbs. I got up and transformed my gauntlets into katanas. I rushed at him. He started swinging his arm blades around but I blocked all the slashes with my swords. He took a stab at my face but I quickly backed up. I felt a pain in my chin. I checked to see what it was and saw blood on my hand. He had stabbed my chin. I needed to be more careful. “You don’t know how long I have been waiting for this opportunity Alstream! I should’ve killed that baby when I had the chance.”

“Baby?” I thought to myself “What’s this guy talking about?” I thought again. He ran at me with his arm blades. I side stepped and slashed his side. “Gyaaaaa!!!” he screamed. He turned around with extreme speed and stomp kicked me into a tree. His eyes turned red. Now I knew he was getting serious. He ran at me very quickly. I started to slash at him but he blocked every slash that I threw at him. Finally he managed to sweep kick me. I landed on the ground without realizing how I had gotten there. He jumped up and shouted “Blitz regen!” All of a sudden hundreds of little lightning bolts shot out of his gauntlets. I tried to dodge them but there was too many. I was hit by several. The pain was intense. When he landed back on the ground he dashed towards me. I transformed my weapons back into their gauntlet form to conserve spirit energy. He swung his arm blades at me again. Most of them missed except for 5 which nicked me in the neck, arm, and stomach. He began to charge up a ball of electricity in his hands. I thought to my spirit animals Hope and Despair. “Hope, Despair I need you to fuse the power of fire and ice into a single blast so that this man can be stopped!” I thought to my dragons. The animals agreed to it and started fusing there energy with mine. Friedriech shouted “Schlucken Blitz!” and then released his energy. I did the same thing. I put the ball of energy into the hand that was holding Despairs gauntlet and released the energy. The attacks seemed to morph together. For some reason it formed a purple ball and then released a big explosion.i was slammed against many trees. I got back up. My shirt was so damaged it just slid off of me. I tried to lift both of my hands for a fighting position but I couldn’t lift the one holding despairs gauntlet. My right arm was broken. Finally the dust cleared and I saw Friedriech. He only had a few scratches on him and it didn’t seem like he had any broken bones. His scratches weren’t as bad as mine. He began to smile and then licked a scratch that was on his arm. He was still playing around and here I am with a broken arm. I was in a big predicament.


As the dust cleared I saw that Jyro was only lifting one arm. I wondered why he was doing this. I think it was because his arm was broken. All my cuts were minor but this was a major tide changer. I quickly collected myself and began running towards him. He jumped out of the way but he wasn’t hard to follow especially with his injury. I dashed after him and kicked him in his chest. He slid across the dirt and got right back up. Suddenly from the crater we had made arose a man wearing several pairs of clothing and was carrying a crate of at least 60 swords. He looked very bulky because of those swords. “No not now!” I heard Jyro shout. I thought that this man was going to interfere with my battle with Jyro. I dashed at him. This battle was between me and Jyro. I swung my arm blade at him but to my surprise he blocked it with one of his swords. It was amazing; I didn’t even see him reach for his sword. He quickly drew another sword and slashed across my chest 5 times. It was extremely painful but luckily they were mortal blades. The man backed away and looked at Jyro. “Are you Jyro Alstream?” he asked. His voice sounded that of a young man surprisingly. “Yes I am, and I know who you are!” He transformed his red gauntlet into a sword and held it in the hand that was bearing the blue gauntlet. He ran at the man that had the many swords. He slashed several times but all the slashes were met by other swords which blocked his attacks. The man with the many swords backed away. “You are as good as they say you are.” I realized that this was my chance to kill him. If anybody was going to kill Jyro Alstream it was going to be me. I ran at the man and started slashing at him repeatedly. I don’t know how he was able to see me but he turned around and blocked all of my strikes while delivering some of his own which I blocked. Jyro, also seizing the opportunity, decided to start slashing at him too. The man turned sideways with one arm facing both of us and began sword fighting with both of us. It was incredible that he could keep up with both of us. Finally I knew what to do. “K9!” I shouted. After I shouted that me spirit animal, the dingo, emerged from my gauntlets and bit the man in the shoulder. Jyro decided to back up.”Friedriech keep him busy, I have an attack that could finish him!” I knew that I didn’t want to help Jyro but it seemed that I had no choice. I did my best to stall him. I tried to take a peek at what Jyro was doing but all I saw was his gauntlet and his sword glowing. The man stabbed me in the stomach. It hurt immensely. I kept fighting though. I knew the wounds would heal but I couldn’t be brought back from the dead. Finally I heard Jyros voice. “Move!” upon instinct I dived to my right and saw a blue arrow shape light pierce through the man with the swords. After that light pierced him the light transformed into Jyro who was holding his sword extended from his body and kneeled on one knee. The body of the man then disintegrated and all that was left in that area was me and Jyro. My vision started to blur. I hadn’t realized that the sword was still in my stomach so my wound hadn’t healed. I pulled it out and fell back. The wound healed but I still felt dizzy. “Alstream!” I shouted. “Stand up and fight me!” I shouted at him.

“Friedriech, neither of us are in any condition to be fighting.” He said.

“I don’t care!” I shouted. “I’m going to kill you for stealing my princess from me!” I struggled to get up. He stood up too. He raised his sword for battle and I did mine. It started to rain. “She was my friend and she forced it on me, trust me I didn’t want to do it I would never break the marriage bond!” he shouted at me.

“You got her pregnant with your filthy mixed breed scum child!” I shouted back. “I would have killed it if I didn’t have to kill her too!” I shouted.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I don’t have a child!” he shouted at me.

“Oh, but that is where your wrong.” I said. And with that I charged at him. I swung my arm blades several times. He was barely able to dodge them. He still had a decent amount of spirit energy as I was running low. He started slashing at me over and over again I tried to keep up with him but my spirit energy was running too low and it was affecting my body. I summoned my dingo to attack Jyro but even the animal was slacking. Jyro was dodging every attack that the dingo threw at it so I decided to call it back. I decided that now it was all or nothing. I wasn’t going to lose to this adulterer. I charged the last of my spirit energy into my boomerang and threw it at Jyro. It created a tornado that tore up the forest and lifted Jyro off of his feet. The boomerang didn’t affect me so I had a nice view of Jyro getting flung around like a rag doll. I started laughing hysterically. I thought it was funny that this man whom I hated so much is having this much misery because of me. But I laughed too hard. The force of the attack and me laughing drained what little energy I had left. I dropped to my knees. I saw Jyro land in front of me. The “SMACK” sound his body made when he hit the ground was delicious. I laughed one last time then passed out.

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