CHAPTER 19: the spendthrifts tricks (Brute)

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The ambulance arrived minutes after I had awakened. I had cuts all over me and plastic was embedded into my flesh. I was helped into the ambulance but I felt fine. I couldn’t wait to see the reaction of the doctors when they found out that Friedriech was a dog demon along with amber being a cat demon. As we drove to the hospital, one of the paramedics began to question me. “So, how exactly did this happen?” he asked.

“We got into a fight with a gambler.” I said flatly. The paramedics stared at me.

“He must be delusional.” Said the other paramedic. One of the paramedics was overweight, has a scruffy beard, and smelt funny. The other was slender, well groomed, and smelt like deodorant.

 I closed my eyes and when I opened then, I was being rushed through the hospital. I closed my eyes again and I was in a room with a heart monitor. I closed my eyes once more and I saw Vincent sitting right next to my bed. His injuries weren’t serious. It appeared that he only had some shrapnel in his chest judging by the holes that were in his shirt. “Oh, your awake.” He exclaimed happily.

“Where are the others?” I asked.

“Well, Luna is in the bed next to you, Friedriech is in the bed after that, and Riona was rushed to intensive care. I haven’t found the others yet.” He said to me. I looked to where Luna was. There was a curtain blocking my way. I got out of bed dizzily and opened it. Luna has stitches on her arms and holes in her shirt so she had shrapnel in her upper body. I walked past her bed and saw Friedriech making out with Ambyr. He Ambyr screamed and Friedriech shouted “CLOSE THE CURTAINS!” I quickly shut them and walked back to Vincent. “We should go look for the others.” I said. “I want to check on them and make sure that there ok.” I sat in a wheel chair and Vincent pushed me. I heard heavy breathing coming from him as he pushed me. As we strolled along the hospital I saw one of the doctors open a curtain. I saw a familiar figure and decided to check it out. Vincent wheeled me over there and I found Jyro. He looked like he was unconscious but in immense pain. And on the bed next to him was Mabli. Mabli woke up few seconds after we arrived. She had the same wounds as everybody else (shrapnel wounds) I wheeled myself over to Jyro. He had a really sad expression on his face and had a hole in his shirt near his shoulder and a hole in his pants where his thigh was. I assume that he was shot by a mortal gun. He also had a lot of shrapnel wounds. I decided to let him sleep seeing that he was in a lot of pain. I heard some mumbling and looked to see Vincent and Mabli talking to each other quietly. “Vincent, let’s look for Riona. You said that she was taken to intensive care right? Well I want to find out why.” I said to Vincent. He immediately stopped his conversation with Mabli and wheeled me over to intensive care. When we arrived at intensive care, Vincent was breathing like he had just ran a marathon. So I decided to wheel myself around. I looked for Riona for about 10 minutes. Finally I heard a man shout “CLEAR!” and then the sound of the defibrillator going off. I rolled my way over there to see what the commotion was. There I saw it. Riona was on the bed, covered in blood and bruises, and they were trying to defibrillate her. I watched in hopes that she would start breathing. “1-2-3-CLEAR!” shouted the doctor again. I closed my eyes. Suddenly I heard “BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP” I opened my eyes and saw Riona breathing again. The doctors all cheered quietly and began cleaning her up. I wheeled myself back to Jyro with Vincent at my side, to see if he was awake yet. When I arrived he was awake and having conversation with Mabli. “Oh, good, your awake Jyro.” I said. “We just checked on everybody and they all seem ok, except for Riona. Her condition is pretty bad but it seems like she will make it.” I said. Telling Jyro this made him sad.

“The spendthrift took Alexandra, I have to get her.” He said calmly. I knew that Jyro wasn’t going to wait very long to get her and I knew that this was really important. He got out of his bed wobbly and headed for the exit. “Wait! Jyro! You shouldn’t leave yet, your still hurt!” I shouted at him.

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