chapter 6: Jyros secret (Lyle)

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I noticed a lot of tension between Vincent and Jyro while we walked to Dasha. We kept walking until we made it to a rest stop that was a few miles from where we set camp the night before. Everybody was tired from yesterday still so we decided to stay at the rest stop for the whole day. Nobody said much for a while until finally Vincent asked Jyro something. “So Jyro were you really coming back from using the restroom last night?” asked Vincent. “You think I would lie to you?” said Jyro with a little hesitation in his voice. “ I know your lying Jyro your voice hesitates when you lie, now tell me where you were.” Said Vincent demandingly. “There’s nothing to tell, all I did was take a leak that’s it!” said Jyro angrily. Not another word was said between those 2 for the rest of the day. I walked around the rest stop looking for something to do but sadly there wasn’t anything. I practiced with my sword in a field seeing that after my battle from the night before last almost got me killed. As I was training I heard a female voice whisper something to me. Her voice was soft and soothing but I couldn’t make out what it said. She repeated herself and this time I made out what she said. “Focus on your weapon and your power will increase” she said. I focused on my sword but nothing happened. I heard the voice again. “Focus hard enough and your power will transform” she said. I focused even harder. I felt something coming from my sword but nothing happened. I spent a few hours switching out between practicing my sword skills and focusing on this power that the voice was talking about. Finally I when I tried focusing again something happened to my sword. A bright red light surrounded my sword and my sword transformed into a ball of white light. After about a second or so that ball of white light turned into a chain with 2 weights at the end. The weapon looked extremely heavy but it was lighter than my sword. I practiced with it for a few hours but I did notice something about the weapon. Whenever I threw it the chain would extend and become longer then shrink whenever I pulled it back. This weapon was going to be fun to use, however I seemed to get tired faster using this weapon than with my sword, I finally changed it back to a sword and walked back towards the resting stop. When I got there nobody was talking. I finally asked why everyone wasn’t talking but that turned out to be a big mistake. A loud uproar of yelling arose from Vincent, Jyro, and Brute. I couldn’t make out what anyone was saying but the uproar ended when Brute picked up a wooden chair and smashed it against the wall. We all went to a restaurant that was at the rest stop for dinner. When we were done eating we all went back to the rest stop and went to sleep. Surprisingly everybody was extremely tired. I was awoken a few hours after falling asleep by Vincent. “Lyle, wake up! Jyros going somewhere we have to follow him!” “What?” I said very drowsily. “Jyros up to something and we’re going to find out” said Vincent. I jumped out of bed and followed Vincent to where Jyro was. We found Jyro in at a pond. I saw Jyro talking to some lady about killing somebody. We hid behind some pussywillows near the edge of the pond so nobody would see us. I heard a female voice speaking to Jyro. “Is he dead yet? Asked the voice. “Not yet my mistress but the deed will soon be done.” Said Jyro. “who are they talking about?” I thought to myself. Suddenly my foot slipped and landed in the water making a loud splash. Jyro looked at me and a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness. Jyro transformed his gauntlets into swords and dashed at the pussywillows. He sliced them down revealing me and Vincent. “Kill them!” said the voice. “Jyros eyes went completely white. He slashed at me. Stunned out of fear I didn’t move. I heard steal clanging against steal. Vincent had summoned his scythe and blocked the slash from Jyro. “Lyle!” yells Vincent. “You have to fight Jyro! In not sure if he will snap out of the spell that Aphrodite put on him but you have to defeat him! Knowing Aphrodite that will cure him if you don’t kill him.” “I’m not sure if I could do that.” I said. “You have to it’s the only way to save him, I’m going to go after Aphrodite.” Said Vincent “Got it” I said to Vincent and he pushed Jyro back and dashed at Aphrodite who was in the middle of running away. I drew my sword. I transformed it into the chain with weights and I started swinging them in circles. I threw one at Jyro. He caught it. He pulled me towards him and stabbed at me. I barely dodged it. I kicked off of his chest and landed back to where I was. He transformed his swords into gauntlets. He pulled me towards him again. He punched me in the stomach. The pain was incredible; it felt like I was getting hit by a car. I coughed up blood from the impact of the blow. I flew back and landed in the water. I realized that the long chain had tangled around my leg. Jyro pulled me back and slammed his fist into my face sending me back into the water. I was dazed from that strike. He pulled me back again but this time he didn’t punch me. He held out his hand and sent out despair at me. The dragon breathed fire so powerfully that it stopped me in my place and started to fling me back. Before I could land in the water Jyro pulled me back again and this time kicked me up into the air when I got to him. He yanked on the chain with incredible strength sending me downward and crashing into the muddy ground. I got up slowly.  My clothes were ripped and burned but nothing to bad. My skin was the same way. I was extremely tired. I transformed my chain back into a sword. I summoned Faolan. He attacked Jyro but Jyro summoned his dragons. The red dragon wrapped itself around the wolf and then the blue dragon breathed ice on my wolf forcing it to retreat back into my sword. I lifted my sword. I ran at Jyro. Weakly I swung my sword. Jyro jumped and kicked the sword out of my hand. I thought to myself, why is he doing this?” Jyro lifted his fist to punch me. I stood there with my guard down knowing that guarding or not wouldn’t make a difference. Just as the fist was about to hit me a large shadow appeared over my and Jyros fist stopped in mid air. “What’s gotten into you Jyro?” said a familiar voice. I looked up and I saw Brute. “What are you doing here? I asked. “That’s not important right now, go get your sword!” he said and I ran to go get my sword. He punched Jyro sending him flying. When Jyro got back up he ran towards brute. He punched brute several times in the stomach making brute bend over. Jyro vaulted off of brutes head and turned his blue gauntlet into a chain. He swung the chain at me and it tied around my ankle. He pulled himself towards me using the chain causing me to trip. When he got to me he slammed his fist into me. The force of the blow put a hole in my stomach. “GRAAAAHHH!” I screamed. I pushed him off weakly. I started breathing heavily. “Lyle!” shouted brute. And he ran towards Jyro. He punched Jyro in the stomach lifting him off the ground. Jyro let go of the chain. He kicked Jyro keeping him in the air. Brute then hit Jyro with a haymaker slamming him into a nearby rock turning it into pebbles. Jyro got back up and ran towards brute. I got up but couldn’t move. The pain was too much. Jyro punched Brute in the face sending him into the water unconscious. “Brute!” I shouted. Jyro walked up to me. I held my sword in one hand and held my wound with another. Jyro transformed his red gauntlet into a sword. And started screaming. “Nooooo!” he screamed. “I don’t want to do this!” his eyes turned from a pure white to his regular eye color. Suddenly his voice changed it sounded like a mix of his and the girl voice from before. “YOU WILL DO AS I COMMAND!” said the voice. “NO I DON’T WANT TO LEAVE ME ALONE!” screamed Jyro. “I’m sorry Lyle” said Jyro and he shoved his sword through his chest. He fell on the ground unconscious. I heard a splash coming from the pond. Brute had awoken and swam towards the shore. “Brute!” I shouted. “Jyro was being controlled, he didn’t want to do those things.” I said. “I Know” said brute trying to get some water out of his ear.” “That’s why I was going easy on him.” He pulled the sword out of Jyros chest. The weapon turned into a gauntlet. The chain wrapped around my ankle did the same thing. We brought Jyro back to the rest stop. His wounds weren’t healing at all. “Is he going to be ok?” I asked brute. “I’m not sure he stabbed the blade all the way through. I’m sure that Vincent being the son of Lucifer knows some spells that could heal a demon, we will just have to wait for him to get back said brute. I sat impatiently as I waited for Vincent to return.

CHAPTER 6 PART 2 (Vincent)

I chased after Aphrodite through the grasslands near the pond. I finally caught up to her and jumped in front of her. I sliced at her. She ducked under my scythe. She summoned her weapon, demonic assault rifle of sorts. “I guarantee that I can shoot you before you hit me with your scythe!” she said and started shooting at me. I ran from the bullets blocking ones that would try to hit me with my scythe. I made my way to her and kicked her down. On the ground she still shot at me. I jumped back. She stopped shooting. I heard her breathing heavily. “It seems that her shooting takes energy out of her.” I ran at her again. She started shooting at me again. I felt a sharp pain in my rib cage. I dropped to the ground in pain. Breathing even heavier Aphrodite walked over to me. “See, I told you that you wouldn’t hit me with that scythe.” She said panting with almost every word. I seized the opportunity. I quickly jumped up and stabbed her with my scythe. She pushed the scythe out of her. She backed away slowly. “I shouldn’t have underestimated the power of the son of Lucifer.” She said gasping for breath. She snapped her fingers and the android Jyro that we encountered in the woods appeared. “Take care of him!” she said. The Jyro bot ran towards me swords drawn. He slashed at me. I blocked. He slashed at me again. I couldn’t block, I tried to dodge. The sword barely cut my left cheek. He kicked me extremely hard; the wind was knocked out of me. I hit the ground hard. I tried to gasp for air, I couldn’t breathe. I could hear the Jyro bot running towards me. Finally I was able to breathe. I heard loud footsteps running towards my direction. I looked towards the direction they were coming from. Finally I saw the Jyro bot. he jumped towards me. I slashed at him but I was too slow. Before my scythe could hit him he blocked with one sword and punched me with his other fist. I went flying back even more. In the distance I could see a light, it was the rest stop. I would need help from Lyle and brute to defeat this thing. I started to run towards the rest stop but the robot was faster than I was. He ran after me and slammed his fist into my back sending me flying forward. I felt something cold and wet. The pond? I looked up and I saw the cut down pussy willows. I got up just in time to catch a punch to the face from the Jyro bot. this time he had changed his swords back into gauntlets. I felt blood coming out of my lips as I skipped across the pond. I got back up and kept running towards the rest stop. I felt another fist slam into my kidneys. This time it sent me flying towards the rest stop at a fast pace. I landed outside a window of the rest stop I looked inside and I saw Lyle and brute. I opened the window. “Lyle brute I need your help!” I yelled but before they could answer another fist slammed into me sending me through the wall. I crashed into the room sending me scattered onto the floor. I got up weakly and held my scythe at the ready. Lyle summoned his sword holding it with one hand. Brute stood up gauntlets ready. I saw Jyro lying of the floor with a major wound but he would have to be dealt with after I got a chance to heal him. I readied myself. This was going to be a hard battle. 

ordeals of a demon hunterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora