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The robot kept grinning at me. That grin’ I was tired of looking at it. I ran at the robot. The robot swung his sword at me. I blocked it with my red gauntlet. Instantaneously I slashed at him with my sword. I sliced off what was left of his already destroyed arm. He stabbed at me. I smacked his sword away with mine and threw a punch at him. My fist smashed against his face. I backed up to catch my breath. The robot sat there still trying to compute that it had taken damage. I called to my spirit animals. “Despair, Hope, I need you to help me, please use your magic I have to destroy him!” after I was done talking my sword was encased in a cold mist and my gauntlet was incased in flames. The robot finally finished computing. He stared at me with his frown. I swung my sword at the robot. He blocked my sword with his sword. But it was of no use to him. My sword broke through the blade of his. Right after that I threw a punch. The robot caught it, which was a big mistake on his part. Sparks flew from his arm. He threw a punch at me. His arm moved so slowly that a when it hit me it had no impact at all. I pulled my fist back and punched the robot as hard as I could in the shoulder. The force from the punch ripping whole arm off. I sat there panting. I couldn’t keep this up longer. He swung at me with his left leg. I caught his leg and crushed it at the ankle. His left leg was now useless. I stabbed the robots right knee cap. The robot fell to the ground. I raised my sword and sliced the robot in half vertically. Sparks of electricity flew out of the robots corpse for a few seconds then it stopped. The robot had been destroyed. The dragons stopped using their magic on my weapons, the battle was over. I stumbled over to where my fallen comrades lay and passed out. When I woke up I heard brute sobbing over Lyle’s corpse. Vincent seemed to not care. I couldn’t bare to look at Lyle in that condition. “Vincent.” I called to him. “Can you heal Lyle?” I asked.

“I’m sorry, I can only heal the injured, I can’t raise the dead.” Said Vincent. I stared at Vincent with hopelessness in my eyes. I’m not sure what hurt worse, the fact that I lost a friend or that my worst enemy had one. “There is however, a way to bring him back.” Said Vincent. “What?!” I said to Vincent with newfound excitement in my voice.

“Yes.” Said Vincent. “But it is very risky, we have to drag him out of hell, and knowing my father he’s not going to let that happen that easily. Said Vincent.

“So how are we going to get him out?” I asked.

“Well getting into hell won’t be a problem once I get the book but getting him out of hell with Lyle will be an even bigger problem.” “My father will have guards everywhere and once were in hell we will have to fight our way out of hells gates.” “Shouldn’t be too hard to get out then.” I joked. “Seeing as its Lyles first time in hell he’s probably not going to go farther than the first gate of hell which is limbo. So it will be a lot easier to escape from there than if Lyle were evil like the people we are fighting. But he will go through different tortures. The first is the whippings. He will get whipped continuously. The third is he will live through the deaths of all those that he holds dear. That’s a torture where he kills the ones he loves most. Or so he thinks. If he is still mentally stable after that then he will have to fight another person in hell proving that he wants to have a second chance at living more than they do, that person will probably be my father so we have no time to lose. I closed my eyes and clenched my fist and whispered to myself. “Hold on Lyle I’m coming for you.”


Iwoke up in an awkward place. The sky was red, the temperature was uncomfortably hot, and it was crowded and noisy. I heard several people saying that it’s not there time yet or that they weren’t ready. I hadn’t the slightest idea of where I was or why I was here. I heard a lustful voice call my name. “Lyle Lancenhart!” I looked up and saw a woman floating in the air. Her skin was red, she had black bat wings, she had small red horns on the top of her head, she wore a small black button up shirt that exposed her stomach and her cleavage, a blue miniskirt, and red high heels, her eyes were a light green which matched all the lipstick she was wearing. “Yes?” I called back.

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