chapter 18:the book (VINCENT)

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As I slept I dreamed that I was walking down a river with my basilisk following me. I looked across the river and saw a tall figure with long black hair who was wearing a white dress. I wanted to meet this person. I jumped into the river and began swimming across it vigorously. But as I swam, the figure got farther and farther away. I was beginning to run out of breath and my muscles were getting sore. I closed my eyes and I felt dry land on my hands. I opened my eyes and saw the figure right there in front of me. I looked at her face and saw that it was my mother. Her eyes were tender and consoling. She looked as if she was forgiving me with her stare. She helped me out of the river. I tried to give her a hug, but before could touch her she disappeared. I awoke from this dream and heard a rapping on my door. I groggily and opened the door. I saw a slender man wearing a purple suit and a top hat. I realized that it was the spend thrift. I suddenly woke up and grabbed my scythe and held it to his throat. “Relax son! I’m not here for a fight; your father wanted me to deliver this.” I lowered my scythe and listened to see what it was that he wanted to give me. The spendthrift gave me a square package that was wrapped in brown wrapping paper and twine bow. The spendthrift walked away whistling a tune. I closed the door and tossed the package onto the nightstand next to my bed and went back to sleep. I awoke to the sound of an argument next door. I got up and went into the shower and the argument was still going on. After I got out of the shower I sat onto my bed and opened the package. I grabbed it and was about to unwrap it until Friedriech crashed through the wall of my room. Everybody else in the room woke up and stared at him with intense confusion. “Guten morgen everybody!” he said cheerfully. He picked himself up and walked back into the room. I then saw Jyro get tossed through the hole that Friedriech made and then make a new hole in the wall on the opposite side. I was now staring through 2 holes in my wall. “(What a great start to my morning)” I thought to myself. I saw Ambyr on the other side of the wall that Jyro was tossed through. I decided to take the package and walk outside. When I was on the porch of the motel, I pulled the twine off and tore the packaging off. What I saw amazed me. It was the book that I needed. In demon it read “book of forbidden arts” and there was a note on it. The note read “whenever you’re ready” I knew that the note was from my father, as it was in his hand writing. I opened the door to Jyro holding Friedriechs throat and Friedriech with one of his blades at Jyros throat. “Guys! I got the book!” I shouted. Everybody looked at me as if I was joking.

“What book?” asked Friedriech.

“The book that will allow us to go to the underworld freely.

“Whoa! No fucking way!” said Friedriech flatly. They let go of each other’s throats and listened to what I had to say. I told them about the dream and about the spendthrift. After I told then, I hear a voice behind me. “If you want to defeat Lucifer, meet me at the train station in 2 hours. There is something that you need to know.”    

       And with that he vanished. “What could it be that he wants to tell us?” asked Luna.

“I don’t know.” I said. “But we’re about to find out.”


My name is Riona Diamondice. I am about 5’9. Pretty skinny (I’m self conscious about my weight) and I am the daughter of the shadow king. My fighting style is quite different from everybody else’s. I fight with both my sword and my sheath. My hair is about shoulder length, brown, silky smooth, and I can’t stand having it tied in a bun or a pony tail. But enough about me. We all walked to the train station hoping that the spendthrift wasn’t setting us up for anything. When we arrived at the train station, we saw the spend thrift sitting in the middle of the lobby on a chair. Everybody didn’t seem to notice him. We approached him casually. “What is it that you want to tell us?” asked Vincent.

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