chapter 3:Vincent nightt (Lyle)

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The morning after the fight was much calmer. My body ached from the fight before but I was too hungry to care. Brute, Jyro, and I went down to the dining room of the hotel and indulged in all types of fruits, sausages, drinks, and other foods. We ate until we were full and then we ate a little more. I didn’t even bother changing my clothes; I was too hungry to worry about that. Finally Brute says to us

“So where are you guys heading to anyways?”

 Jyro just finished chugging his orange juice and said “you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

 Brute looked confused as he took a bite of his fruit salad.

 “No, please tell me!”Said Brute.

 Jyro pointed at me. “Well this kid is the child of the prophecy. The one destined to kill Lucifer himself.”

Brute looked at me and examined me. After a while he started to laugh hysterically.

“This guy?” he chuckled. “No way!”

“I know!” laughed Jyro. “But he did hold his own in that fight, so I think he has potential.”

 Jyro looked at me, then back to brute. It was as if he was expecting something funny to happen. I reached for a plum that was looking nice and plump. I took a bite and I heard a loud “squish” sound. I looked at my ripped shirt and saw that I was covered in juice. Brute and Jyro began howling with laughter. I had enough of being laughed at. I slammed both of my fists’ and shouted at Jyro and Brute.

“SHUT UP!” I yelled.

My silver wolf flew out of my sword blowing Jyro off of his seat and into the wall of the dining room. Jyro was still laughing and surprisingly he wasn’t hurt at all however Brute did stop laughing. Jyro picked himself off of the ground and dusted himself off of the ground, still laughing. I called my wolf back and walked out of the dining room. I walked into an alleyway that was in between the hotel and the drug store next door. I sat on a crate that was there when I heard a voice talking to me very calmly.

“You shouldn’t be in this alley way, I’m in a bad mood and might kill you if you don’t leave.”

 He was a boy that looked my age. He had black hair down to his shoulders. His hair was untidy and needed to be combed. It also had a red streak on the left bang. He wore a black button up shirt with a red tie that looked as if it was silky smooth. He wore black jeans and black leather shoes. His eyes were a deep shade of red. I could tell that he wasn’t normal.

“Who are you?” I asked.

 He didn’t reply. This time I shouted at him.


 He still didn’t respond.

 “You sound angry as if you want to fight me, but I wouldn’t worry about that, you’re Weak just like every other mortal I’ve fought.” He said calmly.

 “WANNA BET!” I yelled at him and I charged at him sword drawn.

 I slashed at him. He jumped on top of the blade and kicked me into the brick wall of the motel. The moment his feet touched the ground, I was hit with a black fireball that erupted from his hands. I was sent flying through the wall and back into the diner. The shirt that I wore was on fire. In a panic, I ripped it off. I was in incredible pain. My chest hurt from the fire, my back hurt from the wall, and my body was still aching from last night. I had never been put through a brick wall before. I got back up, feeling little shaky.

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