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I stood there as the 8 guardians stared at me. There was a really fat one who has very little hair except for a small blonde patch on the top of his head. He wore no shirt and black shorts and sandals. The next one was a really attractive woman who wore a green dress. She had long brown hair, rather over sized breast, and a lot of makeup. She wore black high heels and wore a lot of jewelry. The next one wore an angry expression on his face. He had a black t-shirt with a skull on it. His black jeans were torn at the knees. He wore a red studded headband around his forehead. He wore somewhat beat up combat boots but they still had some life in them. The next one was covered in blood but he didn’t have any wounds, he also wore torn up black jeans but and he wore a bloody tank top. He wore tennis shoes that were soaked in blood. He had a shaved head but it was hard to tell with all the blood covering him He was giggling to himself, he had a lot of muscle but not as much as brute plus he was still average size. There was that looked very big with muscle but I could see a bunch of trinkets sticking out of his big trench coat. He wore combat boots also. He had some gloves that looked bulky too but again they were full of trinkets. He wore no pants but rather a gii. He had short black hair. The one after him was a man of average size and wore a lot of fancy clothing. He had a walking stick that had a large gem on the top of it. He also had a gold tooth. He wore a purple coat on top of a blue button up shirt. He wore black business pants. He wore black leather shoes. He also wore a big fuzzy purple and not to mention the many golden chains he wore. He was holding dice in his hands and his hair was of a fair brown that reached down to his shoulders. There was another one that seemed to catch my eye. He didn’t seem intent on helping his allies, Lucifer, or even me. In fact he seemed intent on only helping himself. He wore a plain white shirt with some plain white jeans. He wore black shoes. He had extremely long black hair that touched the ground. Then there was the one that looked…dead inside. She looked brain washed. She wore a black shirt under a white sleeveless shirt; she also wore black pants that were ripped on the bottom of the leggings but something was different about her, she had wings but they weren’t demonic wings but…angel wings. Her hair was a golden color and her skin was a very pale white and for some reason she had a halo that hovered above her head. Last but not least there was a man who was very large and carried a bunch of swords, I counted at least 60. He wore many sets of clothes, which was probably why he was so large. He had many hair pins in his long shaggy hair. He also wore several jackets and wore what looked like a bunch of socks and shoes but on the same feet, his feet were rather large and it looked like he was wearing 4 different pairs of shoes on at once. His skin was clean except for his hair which was long, sliver, and very untidy.  I tried again to summon my weapon. It worked this time. With my sword at the ready, I charged at the gluttonous one. I swung my sword with intense ferocity. His stomach absorbed my sword and bounced it off. I heard crashing sounds as the others fought. I looked around. I saw brute getting beaten by the violent one and the wrathful one. Jyro was getting annihilated by the hoarder and the lustful one. The spendthrift was fighting Vincent and didn’t seem to be causing him much trouble.  I looked next to me and saw Luna fighting the fraud which was awkward watching because he waddled after her. I looked back at the gluttonous one just in time to catch a punch to the face. The force of the punch smacked me against the door of the underworld. Finally Luna shouted “Head for sector 18-Q!” and then a giant smoke cloud surrounded the area. I put my sword away, I tried to get out but I couldn’t find a way out. I bumped into several people. Finally a hand grabbed my arm and frantically pulled me out pulled me out of the smoke cloud. I heard a voice say “Run” and I started running. I looked behind me and saw Jyro and Luna behind me along with a bunch of smoke. I kept running until I saw the town that Luna mentioned. It was a weird town that seemed ahead of its time. Everything was machine operated. When we got there we were stopped by 2 policemen wearing hi-tech visors, for some reason both policemen looked exactly the same, they had a bushy mustache, and a big belly, chubby arms and legs, and they both had brown eyes along with brown hair. “Please show us some form of identification!” demanded the first police officer I searched my pockets and found my student I.D. from my school and presented it to the police officer, which he accepted. Luna reached into her pockets and pulled out a standard I.D. card that just had her name and birth date on it. Jyro didn’t do anything. “I don’t have any form of identification.” Said Jyro calmly. “Well then son I’m going to have to take you in for the night until we can find out who you are.” Said the second police officer.

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