chapter 16 :THE HOLY MAN (BRUTE)

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At the festival I was having a great time. I was winning a lot of prizes at the games and I was having fun on the rides. I was having so much fun that I spent all the money in my wallet about 4 hours after I got to the festival. So I decided to trade some of my prizes to Lyle or Vincent for money so I could have more fun. I walked around with my giant sack of toys looking like a mean Santa clause when I saw Friedriech sitting on a bench looking depressed. “Friedriech, what’s the matter?” I asked him.

“Nothing Brute, it is just that Jyro is having so much fun with the girl who was supposed to be my wife and I have nobody to show my love too. I really thought that she was the one.” Friedriech said gloomily.”Well can’t you dog demons smell out your future soul mates with your 800x smelling?” I asked Friedriech. “Yes but I doubt that she would be here in this place, I won’t find the perfect girl here.” He said again sadly.

“C’mon, give it a try or else I’m going to punch you into a parked car, just like I did to Vincent!” I said intensely. He looked at me with slight offense taken. He then stood up. “Fine, have it your way.” He said frustrated. He took a few whiffs into the air and suddenly his eyes brightened. He immediately took off down the street. I then remembered that I was still broke, so I decided to go bug Lyle and Luna. To my luck I found Lyle and Luna at the ring toss. Lyle couldn’t seem to hit anything. “Lyle, you’re doing it all wrong.” I said. Lyle looked behind him and saw me. “Hey Brute! Are you enjoying the festival?” he asked.

“The time of my life. Hey Lyle, if I teach you how to throw the ring will you lend me a couple bucks? I kind of spent all my money already.” Lyle looked at the huge sack of prizes I was carrying behind me.

“I can see that.” He said with amazement. I think he was impressed at how many prizes I had. I showed him the proper ring tossing technique (which was a session that he paid for) and one yet another prize. Lyle tried out the technique and won a prize for Luna. Lyle gave me a few bucks and then walked away. I then proceeded to a rollercoaster. The line was extremely long but somehow I made it to the roller coaster. When I got on the rollercoaster I was kept screaming out of excitement. Suddenly I saw a shadow of what looked like Friedriech fighting with a man who had an afro and a shotgun in a warehouse. I broke the safety bar and jumped out of the rollercoaster. I ran to where I saw the shadows as fast as I could.


When I smelt my future soul mate, my heart began to race. I couldn’t help but take off after her. As I ran, her smell got stronger and stronger. I kept running until I couldn’t breathe, then I walked. When I was full of air again I ran again. I climbed onto a rooftop to see if I could get a better view of things. That was when I saw her. She was a few buildings away from me. She was a little shorter than me, slender, and fair skinned. She had black hair that reached down to her shoulder blades and it had a green stripe in it, and she wore a purple headband on the top of her head instead of on her forehead, military camouflage pants, combat boots, a green tank top, a flak jacket, and she wielded wrist claws on each hand and looks slightly younger than me. “Excuse me, who are you!” I shouted to her. She turned and looked at me. She began running from me, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. I followed her. It wasn’t long until she began jumping onto buildings that weren’t in front of us. We were on buildings opposite of each other. I was able to keep up with her easily. Then while jumping, she called to me. “Why are you following me?” she asked.

“I wish to know your name.” I called back. “and I also want to know why you are running from me”

“Cause you’re a creep, and I can smell your odor. Why don’t you leave me alone?” she asked.

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