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When I awoke in the morning I felt great. I had a wonderful sleep. I walked into the dining hall of the castle to see everybody there eating breakfast. I ordered Brötchen and jam. When they were brought to me I smothered the Brötchen in the jam and the devoured it. It was delicious. I went outside for some fresh air. I was met by Lyle who was looking better than he did yesterday. We didn’t talk but rather just sit then and relax. Jyro came out to join us. He also didn’t say anything. After a few minutes I heard a noise. Then I heard “Jyro no!” Then I heard steel colliding with steel. I saw Jyro locking swords with Lyle. It was then that I realized that Jyro was trying to kill me. Jyro then started coughing up blood and his weapon transformed back into a gauntlet. “Maybe you shouldn’t use your powers for a while Jyro.” Said Lyle.

“So you were trying to assassinate me? Your attempt is hilarious. You’re not in any condition to be killing anything. Go away you make me sick!” I said to him. Jyro then collapsed. “Lyle thank you, had you not stopped him I would’ve been dead, you have my services.” And with that I made my leave. I went back downstairs and ate more breakfast. After breakfast I looked around town for something to do. I went to the shooting range and decided to practice my magic. I shot electricity at the targets without electrocuting myself. I was improving. I paid for another round and got a bull’s-eye every time. I was content with these results and decided to move onto something new. I went into the music store and listened to heavy metal for about a half an hour and decided that I was bored of that too. So then I proceeded to go swimming in the pool at the castle, which I later found that with my accidental discharges was a bad idea. After that I went back into town to get a relaxing massage. The massage was wonderful. I later went back to the castle then relaxed sleeping the day away.


After my failed attempt at killing Friedriech I was feeling terrible. My body was still in pain from over using my spirit energy.

I walked back into the castle feeling ashamed of how weak I was. I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t feel so bad, you’ve got incredible strength!” I looked behind me. It was Lyle. “How? I couldn’t ever save you from dying the first time, kill a guardian, or even keep myself alive during a fight. I almost died.”

“Ya but I defeated Mabli by luck. You defeated that Jyro bot from skill.” Said Lyle.

“I guess you’re right, thank you Lyle.” I said. I then walked down to my dad’s dojo to train. I practiced my shadow arts and practiced on maintaining my demon form. Doing this training hurt incredibly since I didn’t have much spirit energy and my body still hasn’t recovered. When I was done training I walked tiredly to my old house. I got something from the fridge to drink then I fell asleep on my old bed. When I woke up the sky was dark. I walked outside and headed back to the castle. When I got there everybody was already eating dinner. I sat next to Lyle and decided to join them. I ordered the steak and mashed potatoes. When I was done eating I walked outside and sat there looking at the stars. Lyle went outside to join me. “Jyro, why did you try so hard to kill Mabli?” Lyle asked me. “My pride wouldn’t allow me to lose. I’ve lost too many battles. I feel as if I’m not strong enough. I almost died because I wasn’t strong enough.” The words stung my tongue like glass shards. It hurt to say that I was weak. “But this failure has showed me where my flaws are. I need to train more and become stronger.”

“Jyro, I have another question.” Lyle said.

“well ill try to answer it as best as I can.” I replied.

“Have you ever loved somebody?” Lyle asked. When Lyle said this I began to wonder, had Friedriech told him about Riona? “Yes I have, but I wasn’t allowed to love her back. When I did I was exiled and almost killed by Friedriech. Even though she didn’t love Friedriech she wasn’t allowed to love me.”

“But why?” asked Lyle. He was starting to look sad at the story I was telling.

“Because she was meant for Friedriech. She was supposed to marry him but I loved her ever since we first met as children. I protected her all her life but she was meant to marry Friedriech. Then I slept with her, and even worse Friedriech walked in. so now Friedriech hates me and he hates Riona.”

“Who’s Riona?” Lyle asked.

“Riona is the princess of the shadow clan, and my childhood friend. She is the love of my life but our love is forbidden. I wish I could talk to her but she isn’t here.” Lyle had tears about to come out of his eyes. “That is so sad, I will help you if nobody else will.” Said Lyle. We walked back inside and went to bed.


After that conversation with Jyro I went to sleep. When I woke up I went to Jyros room. I knocked. Nobody answered. “Jyro?” I said as I opened the door. He was still sleeping but there was a girl in his bed with him. Her hair was short, brown. And she had fair skin. There were clothes strewn across the ground so already knew what had happened here. I closed the door quietly and walked downstairs for breakfast. After I was done eating breakfast I walked to Allisters dojo to do some more training. When I got there Allister was meditating. “Lyle, come sit with me” I did as he told me too. “Now Lyle, focus on what you love most.” I began focusing on Luna. “Now Lyle focus harder” I began focusing even harder. Suddenly everything became quiet. I remembered when I first met her. Even the pain was brought back. Suddenly there was a burning sensation in my skin. My skin had its tiger stripes back and my eyes were red again. “Lyle, you now know how to call upon your demon form, use it wisely.”

“Allister, my skin is burning!” I shouted. “Why?!” I asked.

“Hmmmm perhaps it is because you are a Daeva. Normally Daeva’s don’t have demon forms but you seem to be an exception. Don’t stay in it for too long. The holiness if fighting the darkness of the demon, your burning too much spirit energy and your body is destroying itself.” I let go of the transformation. I was exhausted but the pain was gone. “Lyle, only use this when in dire need. It will eat away at your spirit energy and cause you harm.” Said Allister.

“All right. Thank you Allister.” I said, and I was off. I went back to the castle. Jyro was finally awake. He had a smile on his face. Then I noticed Friedriech. He had a face of pure anger. I could tell that things weren’t going to be good. Then that girl that was in Jyros bed ran up next to Jyro.  She kissed him on the cheek. She then ran off somewhere. Friedriech stopped right in front of her. I couldn’t hear what Friedriech was saying but he shouted “WHYYY” and then broke down in front of her crying. I walked over to Friedriech to see what was wrong.”What’s wrong?” I asked.

“She chose Alstream over me! This makes me feel so bad inside!” said Friedriech. I left him there to wallow in his misery. I then ran into Luna. “Hey Lyle I’m gonna go train with Jyro, you wanna come with?” she asked me.

“Sorry I’m going to rest then train with Allister later. I went into my room then fell asleep. When I woke up I walked to Allister’s dojo yet again. When I got there I practiced the techniques that Allister taught me on one of his punching bags for about an hour. As I walked back to the castle I saw Jyro and Luna fighting on a hill. Finally Jyro punched Luna in her stomach and she passed out. This filled me with rage. I ran as fast as I could up the hill to kill Jyro. He was a traitor and had to die.

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