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Jyro was dead. I couldn’t believe it. My best friend was dead. Anger enveloped me. I drew my sword. I charged at the heretic. “You bitch! I’ll kill you!” I shouted at her. I swung at her. My slash was blocked by one of her swords. I continued swinging but all my attempts were met with the same results. I backed up to catch my breath. I transformed my sword into the chain with weights. I started swinging one end around in a circle. I flung the end at her. She dodged it. The impact of the weight left a crater in the ground. I kept throwing my weights at her but she kept dodging. She flew at me and tried to slash at me. I entangled her Wakazashi with my chain. She lifted her swords into the air with enough speed to rip my weapon out of my hand. My weapon flew into the air. I was defenseless. “Faolan!” I shouted. My spirit animal burst out of my weapon and attacked the heretic. She couldn’t keep up with its speed. She was bitten on her arm. The force of the bite caused her to drop one of her swords. I seized the opportunity to grab my weapon that had been thrown. When I picked it up faolan had let go of his grip on the heretic. Then Faolan did something remarkable. Faolan grew a giant bat wing and an angel wing. Faolan then charged a giant ball of energy in its mouth. He released the energy in a beam. The beam then hit the heretic dead in the chest. The heretic was flung several feet away. The heretic was bleeding from her chest, forehead, and from one of her arms. She tried to fly but she couldn’t. She fluttered several times but nothing happened. I then noticed that one of her wings was crooked. She kept trying. She eventually dropped to her knees and began to cry. I knew that these people weren’t to be taken lightly, that it was more than likely a trick. I transformed my weapon into a sword again and called Faolan back into my weapon. I charged at her full speed ahead. “Lyle don’t do it!” shouted a voice. I stopped. I looked and saw Vincent running to where I was. “Lyle don’t do it! Please don’t kill her!” Said Vincent.

“SHE KILLED JYRO! SHE HAS TO DIE!” I shouted. The heretic got up with streams of tears coming out of her eyes. “Prince Vincent is that you?” she sobbed.

“Mabli, what has my father done to you?” said Vincent. Vincent began to cry too. For the first time I had seen Vincent show an emotion other than anger. I didn’t know that he had feelings. “Mabli you’re an angel, why are you working for my father?” Vincent asked.

“Angels don’t exist; I’m just a screw up of a demon. If angels or heaven existed then why do all of these terrible things happen? Why would your father have disowned you? Why would I have been murdered?” Mabli began. Vincent’s face was in shock.

“So you’re the heretic.” Said Vincent in a caring voice. But I didn’t care about any of this. She had to die. “Vincent, move or I’ll kill you with her.” I said quietly. When I finished my sentence Vincent had summoned his scythe and his facial expression was angry again. “YOU SO MUCH AS TOUCH HER AND YOU’LL END UP LIKE JYRO!” Vincent screamed. I swung my sword at Vincent. He blocked and kicked me into a newspaper stand. He ran at me. Before I could pick myself up he was already in front of me. He swung his scythe at me.  I barely had time to block it. I felt a pain in my ribs. The tip of his scythe was in my rib cage. I don’t know where Vincent had gotten this power from but it wasn’t good. I pushed Vincent away from me. He pulled his scythe with him which made the hole in my ribcage into a gash. Blood was trickling down my chest and all over my clothes. I ran at Vincent. I began swinging my sword furiously at him but he kept up with every attack. He swung at me but I had sliced at him. He saw my attack and backed up. My sword had nicked him in his forehead. We backed up from each other to catch our breath. My wound was causing me incredible pain. I felt it which made it hurt worse. I looked at my hand. It was covered in blood. Blood was trickling down Vincent’s face. He wiped the blood off of his face with his hand and then wiped it onto his scythe. His scythe began to glow a bright blood red. He charged at me full speed ahead. I slowly got up. I ran at him too.  I slashed at him and he slashed at me. After we made our attacks we stood there backs facing each other. Blood spouted from Vincent’s leg like a fountain for a few seconds then stopped. I felt relieved. Then suddenly this unbearable pain in my chest erupted. Several slash wounds appeared on my chest. Blood poured out of all of them. I couldn’t be beaten by Vincent twice.  I turned around and saw brute standing in front of me. “Lyle I can’t let you do this to yourself.” He said. He spun me around and hit me in the back of the neck. I fell to the ground unconscious.

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