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I ran into the smoke cloud but nobody was there. “WHERE IS SHE!” I screamed at Jyro. Jyro didn’t answer. “WHERE IS SHE?!” I screamed again at Jyro. I ran to him and grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt. He didn’t answer again. I raised my fist and struck him across the face. He started to laugh. “Why are you laughing?” I asked.

“It looks like they have found me again!” said Jyro hysterically. “She’s gone and nothing we can do will bring her back! We can try to fight her but it will only end in our death!”

“Shut up!” I yelled at Jyro. I raised my fist again and punched him repeatedly across the face. Blood flew out of his mouth. “Lyle don’t you realize that that man was from the nightmare reapers do you? They are the most powerful mafia in the underworld and Lucifer gave them a deal, he will give them immortality for my soul.” I loosened my grip. Jyro seemed to be calming down.

“Why do you have to pay them? Couldn’t you just talk to them?” I asked.

“The Nightmare reapers and the shadow scouts have been at each other’s throats for a while now. There last attack left us without most of our military and we can’t stand up to their army, if we try to attack them we are dead.” Said Jyro. “Why don’t we just head to where the other scouts live and ask them for help?” asked Brute. “I’m sure that with us on your side you can defeat them!” Brute sounded hungry for battle.

“We could try but I doubt that the shadow king will allow us to go to war right now, at least now with the small amount of men we have.” I looked at brute hoping he would say something but it looked like he was trying to come up with a plan still. “are there any other shadow scout clans?” I asked. “No, not everybody in our family is a shadow scout. There are shadow scouts, fire scouts, spirit scouts, and the almighty forest scouts. They all live in different parts of the country but with their help we might be able to stop the nightmare reapers and save Vincent and Luna.” He said with newfound hope in his voice. “Quickly we have to head to my village, it isn’t far from this city it’s only a few miles away c’mon!” said Jyro with much enthusiasm. We walked for a few hours until finally we came across a wide open circle made of cobblestones. Strangely the cobblestones represent a ying yang sign Jyro went into the center of the ying yang sign where there was a smaller ying yang sign. He raised both hands into the air. A green aura surrounded all of us. He slammed his hands onto the ground and we instantly teleported to a village that was impossible to see anything in. all I could make out were a few lights in some houses but nothing else. Suddenly a light turned on next to me. “c’mon” said Jyro. His wrists were glowing to light up a path. As we walked I noticed that a bunch of people were hiding from us. Finally we approached a castle that had the lights completely off. “Stand back you guys I’m going to enter first.” Jyro sounded like we didn’t know how to open a door. He knocked on the door and instantly an arrow shot at his face. He caught it with ease. He knocked again and a hatch opened up spouting fire. Jyro stepped back quickly and effortlessly. Knocked a 3rd time and a hatchet was flung at his face from the door. He dodged it and then laughed.” The traps haven’t changed much.” He said. He then pushed the door opened. Out of nowhere came a battle axe flying through the air. Jyro caught it with both hands extremely easily. He walked in and hundreds of needles shot at him. He jumped and did a pose in the air and dodged them all. “c’mon in.” he said. We walked in and suddenly the ground disappeared from beneath us. I screamed with brute as we fell but Jyro was completely silent. When we hit the ground it was completely dark. Suddenly a voice boomed. “JYRO ALSTREAM IS THAT YOU?” the voice sounded that of an older man. “Yes your majesty it is I, I am sorry to disturb you but we have a problem.” Oh indeed we do Jyro.” Said the booming voice more calmly. Suddenly the room was filled with lights as torches lit the room all at once. There was a king on his throne surrounded by people dressed similar to Jyro. “I told you to never come back, all you do is cause us grief!” boomed the king. “Men kill him! We shall have no more trouble with the nightmare reapers!” 10 soldiers came running towards us. I readied my sword and brute his gauntlets. Jyro was already 2 steps ahead of us. He was already fighting against the soldiers. The soldiers all had weapons similar to Jyros, all of them were gauntlets. I charged into the hoard with Jyro with Brute following me. Things were going to get intense.

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