Chapter Two

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"Bryn, Emily, why were you girls late" Mrs. Walker asked.

"Sorry, we had to go all the way to my locker, then her's, and down here" I explained trying not to sound annoyed.

"You don't need to go to each others lockers" she replied before returning to her office. As I turned around I noticed that I was getting some dirty looks, from three people in particular. Oh the joys of high school.


"Emily seriously I don't know what to wear" I cried as I sat on my bed looking at the clutter of clothes scattered around the room.

"It's a football game, not a fashion show" she explained. I went digging through my closet once again. I pulled out a pair of high waisted shorts that made my butt look relatively nice, white tribal print crop top and oversized cardigan. My hair was curled loosely, and my makeup was plain. But I guess I didn't look that bad.

"Do I look okay" I asked?

"Yes, now come on we have to go to Brett's" she explained.


When we got to the game there were a lot of people from school here. Most of the "popular" kids were sitting at the tables near the concession stand. I felt my stomach grumble but I wasn't about to walk past the popular people to get something to eat just yet. Everyone else was pretty much in the bleachers. Brett, Emily, and I walked between the bleachers and the fence around the field to watch the game close up. I almost spotted Kyle right away. He was number 17.

"Bryn" I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to see Adam. My stomach literally dropped. My heart began to race and my palms got all sweaty. Brett and Emily exchanged glances between me and the guy in front of me. Why the heck was he here?

"Can we talk" he asked?

"No, we broke up, leave me alone" I replied trying to control the shakiness in my voice. Anger flashed across his face and I closed my eyes. I hadn't told Brett and Emily what happened. Only Audrey. So Brett and Emily had no idea that Adam used to be my boyfriend. But not just that, but that he was abusive. I slowly felt my self inching towards Emily. I wanted to grab her arm and beg her to pull me away. If I didn't get away from him right now, I was sure I was going to break out into sobs.

"I think Brett and I are gonna go to the bathroom" Emily said. I froze.

"So listen, I-" he started.

"P-Please leave" I replied my voice coming out all horse and shaky.

"But Bryne I really need to talk to you" he said inching closer. I couldn't stand this anymore. He needed to leave. He needed to get away from me.

I pushed away from Adam and began running as tears poured down my face. I had been holding it all in. Bottling it up and pushing it to the back of my brain. I couldn't quite tell where I was going but my legs were carrying me and refused to stop. All of a sudden I crashed into something hard, but before I could fall back someone caught me.

"Bryne" I heard someone familiar say. I instantly knew who it was.

"Kyle" I replied.

"Are you okay" he asked sounding concerned. I mean its not everyday a girl comes running into you, crying hysterically. I blinked trying to clear my vision.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied looking at the ground. He still had his hands on my back which caused me to feel all warm and fuzzy in the pit of my stomach.

"Are you sure" he asked?

"Yeah" I lied trying to stop the tears.

"There you are" I heard someone say behind me. Why couldn't he take a hint. He needed to leave. I tensed at the sound of his voice and my heart began to beat so fast I thought it was going to explode out of my chest. I looked at Kyle begging him to not let me go. I instantly stood behind him, as if he was some shield that would protect me. He looked at me, then Adam, then back to me.

"I don't think she wants to talk to you" he finally spoke.

"Well it's really none of your business" Adam replied stepping closer. I flinched at the sound of his boots.

"Actually it is" he explained.

"Oh really" Adam asked?

"Yup, she's my girlfriend" he lied. My breath caught in my throat and I almost choked on my spit at what he just said. It wasn't until I heard Adam storm off that I walked out from behind him.

"Thank you so much" I said. He honestly had no idea how much that meant to me. Not just because he got rid of Adam, but for a split second I was Kyle's girlfriend. Even if it was a lie.

"Who was that" he asked?

"His name is Adam, and he's my ex-boyfriend" I admitted. For some reason I didn't want to leave Kyle. He made me feel safe.

"Bad breakup" he asked? The memories started to stir in my brain but I pushed them to a hault.

"Very" my voice cracked as I said it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" he said sounding guilty.

"It's fine" I half smiled, "you didn't know"

"How come you were so scared" he asked his voice coming out quiet. I looked at him and suddenly the edges of my vision grew fuzzy. I felt so loopy and my body had no balance. I staggered as I tried to stay balanced. All I could see was the black and gold of Kyle's jersey.

"Why is the ground moving" I asked?

"Bryne" Kyle shouted and then everything went blank. I was suddenly surrounded by complete darkness.

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