Chapter Twenty Two

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As my eyes flashed open I was met with 3 pairs of foreign ones. There were two women and one man poking and prodding at me as I laid in the stiff hospital bed. As I looked at my surroundings a flashlight blinded me in my eyes surprising me and leaving me blind momentarily. As I looked around me I realized Kyle and my mom were standing against the well. My mom crying and Kyle squeezing his eyes closed. They were worried.

"Kyle" I croaked as I tried to reach out my hand and grab his. It shakily rose from the bed and then hung off the edge. He grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze before looking back at the nurses

"Can you tell me your name" one of them asked.

"Bryn Elizabeth Miller" I responded automatically.

"Can you tell me your birthday" Another asked.

"January 22 1997" I replied instantly. I didn't understand why they were asking me questions that I obviously knew the answer too.

"How many siblings do you have" they asked.

"Two, a brother and a sister" I replied.

"What day is it" one of them asked. That silenced me. I couldn't remember exactly what day it was.

"Thursday" I asked?

"It's Friday sweetheart" my mom said calmly.

"What is 8 x's 8" they asked.

"64" I replied. I'm sure that getting the days mixed up was a common mistake. I mean I was only a day off.

"Can you squeeze my hand for me" the women asked as she put her hand in mine. I squeezed and she nodded before putting it in the other causing Kyle to let go of it. I squeezed again but she didn't nod.

"One more time" she said. I squeezed but as I looked at my hand I realized that it was only slightly wrapping around hers. That sent a shiver down my back as I looked up at her in fear.

"Can you move your toes for me" she asked. I did my right side fine but when I looked at my left foot it barely moved.

"Am I paralyzed or something" I asked as my voice grew shaky. They didn't respond as they ran more tests ignoring me as if I hadn't said anything. Kyle grabbed my hand again and I looked at him with water filling up my eyes. In an instant I was being wheeled down a hallway as my hand ripped from Kyle's. I watched as we passed lights, being restricted from moving my head, it was all I had to look at.

"Kyle" I croaked needing his comfort.

"I'm right here babe" I heard his voice come from next to me.

"I'm scared" I whispered.

"It's gonna be okay" he soothed as we went down another set of hallways.

"No one past these doors" I heard a doctor say.

"But I'm her boyfriend" I heard Kyle explain.

"Kyle" I said a little louder. When I didn't hear his response my heart beat quickened.

"Kyle" I shouted. "Kyle" I shouted slightly louder this time.

"Honey calm down, you can see him in a little bit" a nurse explained.

"I need him now" I said as my eyes looked frantically around the room.

But no one listened. They prepped me for cat scan before helping me climb on the uncomfortable table.

"Try not to move too much, just stay relaxed" The doctor explained, "Do you want to listen to some music?" She asked.

I didn't respond.

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