Chapter Six

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"Bryn" I heard someone say. My eyes flashed open as they adjusted to the dark. I looked at the voice of whoever called me.

"Kyle?" I asked.

"Hey" He smiled. I grabbed my phone that was now charging and realised it was six in the morning. What the heck was he doing here? i also realised i had about a billion text messages from my friends. I know i should have replied but i didn't know what to say.

"Hey" I smiled back. Then we just kind of stood there staring at each other.

"How are you feeling" He asked as he sat down in the chair next to me.

"Not so good" I admitted. I mean, how would you react if you found out that you were going to die and your expiration date was coming quicker than you thought.

"Why" He asked?

"Because i have-" I started but then cut myself off. I couldn't tell Kyle. We were only barely friends. I didn't want to invite him into the drama that i now called my health. He couldn't get close to me. Otherwise it would just be one more person that i hurt when i left.

"Because you have what" He asked slowly as he tried to tread the conversation carefully.

"I can't tell you" I breathed out.

"You can't or you won't" He asked?

"Both" I admitted.

"You know you can tell me anything, right" He asked?

"Something's are too hard to say" I replied carefully.

"But it always helps to have a friend" He explained. I felt my eyes water at his word, friends. I sat up and looked towards the windows as the tears ran down my cheek. I felt warm fingertips brush against my chin pulling me to face him. My whole body went into a bolt of shock as I looked at his icy blue eyes. The pad of his thumb swiped across my cheeks swiping away the tears, only to leave room for more.

"Can you please tell me" He asked?

"I'm-i'm gonna die" I whispered as i put my hands over my face and let out a sob. He quickly reacted by pulling me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his back and squeezed him closer as i cried on his shirt.

"Shhh, it's gonna be okay" He whispered as he tried to sooth me. I couldn't help but cry harder.

I pulled away when the waterworks had died down and wiped my nose with a tissue.

"Now explain to me why you think your gonna die" He begged.

"I just wanted to know what was wrong with me, I figured maybe it'd be pneumonia or something" I shook my head at how stupid I was.

"But it's so much worse than that" I explained with so much emotion in my voice.

"What is it ?" He asked in a whisper as he squeezed my hand.

I looked at his face to see his eyes searching mine for any answers or clues.

"I have high-grads glioma, which is cancerous tumor in my brain, the part that controls the memory and speech" I explained.

"Can't they just remove it" he asked sounding hopeful.

"No" I shook my head, "The tumor is to imbedded into my brain that even the best surgeon in the world would kill me if they tried" I replied in a monotone voice. I look at him to see how he was handling the news. It went from shock, to worry, to sadness and disappointment. He looked at the ground like he was in deep thought.

"I'm-" He started.

"Don't be sorry" I cut him off. I didn't want him to be sorry, i didn't want pity.

"I don't know what else to say" He admitted.

"Then don't say anything" I shrugged. He removed his hand from mine causing a sudden rush of cold air to attack my palm.

"I think you should go before it gets too late, you have school soon" I laughed.

"Come with me" He suggested quickly.

The way he said it was as if i was something so fragile that could slip away at any moment. It both broke my heart, and mended it at the same time.

"To school ?" I asked trying to dismiss how shaky my voice was.

"Yeah" He smiled.

"Okay" I replied with a shrug. That actually sounded like a good idea. However i don't know how much my parents would agree with me. They probably would say that it was better if i just stayed in the hospital. But i couldn't stay cooped up in this boring little room with nothing to do forever.

"Why did you come anyways" I asked suddenly curious as to why he decided to drop by at 6 in the morning.

"I said i'd be back tomorrow," He smirked.

"Well i'm glad you did" I smiled even though i was thoroughly confused. I mean did the doctors just let him in ? In the end i was happy he came, so i decided to drop the endless amount of questions that were whirling through my brain.

"So what's the plan" He asked.

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