Chapter Twenty Six

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Kyle's POV

When i woke up i felt stiff and realized it was because Bryn was sleeping on top of me. She looked so peacefully and i smiled as i pushed some of her hair behind her face. I scooted out from underneath her and walked to the bathroom to relieve myself.

"Bryn come on, time to wake up" I smiled as i shook her gently. But she didn't budge she just stayed there sleeping.

"Come on Bryn, i'll tickle you" I smiled knowing how much she hated when i did that. I couldn't help it, it was so cute to watch her squirm as her laughter filled my ears. I smirked at the memory before looking back. Bryn still didn't wake up.

"Bryn" I said softly as i shook her again...still nothing. I could feel my heart rate picking up speed as i stood there looking at her. I wasn't really sure what to do. Should i check her pulse ? Should i call her parents ? I wanted to scream but i lost my voice the moment i realized she wasn't waking up. My hand shakily touched her neck as i tried to feel for a pulse.

"Please don't go" I whispered to myself as my breath came out shaky. I tried feeling for something, for anything, for any form of light, but i couldn't.

"Help" I screamed as a tear leaked out of my eyes and i fell to my knees on the side of her bed, "Somebody come help" I screamed again.

I heard the running of foot steps pounding against the floor before her mom and dad walked through the room along with 4 nurses behind them.

"Did she pass out" Her dad asked thinking this was just like every other situation.

"No, she fell asleep last night, and now she won't wake up" I explained as i shook my head not wanting to know what that could mean, "And i can't feel her pulse" I explained as tears leaked from my eyes faster. Her mom and dad both looked at her before the nurses began shoving us out of the room and saying words I couldn't understand.

"Where are you going" I continued to scream hoping somebody would answer the question. I didn't get why they always did this in hospitals. If this was the last moment I had with Bryn, why would your first thought be to shove me out of the room?

"It's going to be okay" her dad said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I quickly shook it off before stepping away from him.

"Her heart stopped" I screamed. "What do you mean she's going to be okay?"

"It might just be too weak for you to feel it" Her mom explained gently. I took a deep breath before nodding. I slid down against the wall and sat there praying for God to perform some type of miracle. Bargaining for any chance at a little more time.

But nothing happened. I just continued to sit there feeling defeated and angry all at the same time. I felt like the room was spinning and all this weight was being pushed against my chest.

"Sir are you okay" I heard a nurse ask?

"My-My girlfriend" I explained.

"The girl in the room?" She asked gently. I nodded as tears leaked from my eyes.

"Kyle" I heard someone say and turned around to see Emily and Brett standing there with tears littering there faces.

"What are you doing here?" I asked?

"Her mom called" Emily explained. They walked over and slid down on either side of me. We were all crying, not really saying anything, just all thinking silently that this was probably the end. I didn't care that everyone in the hospital could see, and i didn't care how stupid i looked. My girlfriend was probably dead as i sat there crying and i couldn't change that or do anything about it.

"Is-Is she gone" Brett asked quietly?

"I don't know" I shook my head.

"We need to calm down" Emily sniffled as she tried to catch her breath, "We need to think positive, we have to have hope" She explained before letting out a sob. I nodded as more tears ran down my cheek.

Emily grabbed my hands and I squeezed it knowing she was trying to make both of us feel better. It was like we were trying to squeeze the hope out of each other, as if it was going to keep Bryn alive or bring her back to life if she was already dead.

"Guys" We heard Bryn's mom say from behind. We all snapped our heads expecting the worst but yet hoping for the bet at the same time.

"Her heart is still going, so she's still alive" He mom said and i could just feel all this pressure that was on my body slightly going away.

"But she doesn't have much longer" Her mom cried as she leaned into her husband's chest. Just like that all the pressure was heightened and I struggled to breath.

"Can we see her?" Emily and I asked at the same time. She nodded meekly as she held her hand over her mouth to remain silent.

I nodded at him before we all slowly walked towards the door, knowing this would be the last time we saw Bryn alive.

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