Chapter Four

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My heart was about to jump out of my chest.

"What did they find" I asked my voice coming out low and shaky. I exchanged a glance between my dad and my mom. They both looked scared, worried, sad, confused, surprised, and unwilling to actually tell me what the doctor found. They were the type of parents that didn't like seeing us hurt. That was always a good thing, but now that it was something this serious, and had to do with my health, i needed to know. No matter how scary or bad it was.

My mom opened her mouth to explain something but was cut off by a knocking at the door. I looked away from my mom to see a petite brunette in scrubs smiling at me.

"Miss. Miller" She asked? I nodded but couldn't help be annoyed at the fact that she interrupted my mom telling me what illness i might have.

"You have a visitor" She explained. I looked at her and furrowed my eyebrows, a visitor? Who would come and visit me? My friends, Emily and Brett maybe?

"Who" I asked?

"Uhm i believe his name was, Kyle" She replied.

"Kyle Lowe" I shreiked.

"That's the one" She smiled.

"Oh my gosh" I said as my jaw literally hung open in the air.

"What" My mom asked?

"I don't look good, i need to brush my hair and my teeth and put some makeup on" I explained attempting to get out of the bed. The nurse, my dad, and my mom all shot over to me and pushed me gently back into the hospital bed.

"He can't see me like this" I complained.

"Well he's gonna have to" My mom replied. I groaned and reluctantly sat back in the bed. I tried looking at my reflection in my phone screen and what i saw wasn't pretty. The nurse retreated to go get Kyle while my mom and dad left me to get something to eat from the cafe.

When i saw his figure appear in the doorway i smiled at him. He looked like he hadn't slept at all. He also looked scared, which was understandable. But there also seemed to be something else that crossed his eyes as he looked at me. I just couldn't quite put my fingers on it.

"You can come in you know" I laughed.

"Yeah" He said shyly. Kyle Lowe being shy?

"Wow" I thought outloud.

"What" He asked? I immediately blushed not meaning to speak my thoughts out loud,

"I'm just surprised that you're being shy around me, i mean you are Kyle Lowe" I admitted. I couldn't control what was coming out of my mouth, it was like word vomit.

"So" He smirked that signature smirk he pulled on everyone in school and just like that, he was back to his normal self. I looked away as my blush took over the rest of my face. I swear i looked like an unattractive tomato and it didn't help that i also looked like crap to begin with.

"So what are you doing here" I asked trying to change the subject and get rid of the somewhat awkward tension that had settled over us.

"I came to see how you were doing, you really scared me on Friday. I didn't know what to do, you just collapsed on the ground, i thought you were gonna die" He admitted as he babbled about his fears. It was nice to know that he cared enough to check up on me.

"Well i am very much alive" I reassured him.

"That's good" He smiled. That smile that has caused my heart to flutter so many times before suddenly seemed to make me sad.

"What" He asked?

"I don't know" I admitted. It was weird, it was like, i felt like i was going to loose him and although that made absolutely no sense, it did at the same time.

"Are you gonna be okay" He asked? I looked at his face trying to read his emotion. He looked really worried and i didn't get it. Me and him had barely exchanged more than a few sentences at almost every encounter we had together. I couldn't lie to him and tell him i was gonna be fine. Especially because i didn't even know myself.

"I can't answer that" I explained. But then i realised how bad that sounded. I didn't want him to think the reason i couldn't say it, was because it was bad, "I don't even know myself, they haven't told me what they found" I admitted.

"Found" He asked? Shoot. I didn't mean for it to come out that way.

"They found something" I started, "They just haven't grown enough balls to tell me what it is" I finished.

He looked surprised and very taken back by the information. He looked almost more scared than he did when he first walked in, if that was even possible. I looked away, not able to look at his face any longer. It was just making my anxiousness worse.

All of a sudden i felt him intertwine our fingers together. I looked at our hands, now combined. On the inside i was literally doing flips like some type of olympic gold medalist. My butterflies were on autopilot, and i thought i might break my cool facade and smile so big that it would be permanently indent into my face.

"I think you'll get through it" He explained. I looked at him to see how serious his face looked. He said it with so much confidence that i just wanted to believe him. But something was holding me back, something that was telling me it was more serious than that.

"Thanks" I mumbled. He squeezed my hand tighter to make me feel better, but even the fact that i was holding hands with the guy i had a huge crush on, i couldn't be happy.

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