Chapter Twenty Eight

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I leaned up and kissed her on her lips before the doctors began rushing in. I grabbed Emily and Brett's hand we walked out of the room as more blue scrubs rushing past blurred our vision. It felt like we were walking down the hallway in slow motion. Everything around us was moving quickly except for us. I couldn't feel anything at the moment. I was completely falling apart on the inside and outside but i was numb to everything.

"Kyle honey" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and saw my mom standing there. She looked at me with a look I now understood why Bryn hated. She looked at me like she felt bad and she held pity in her eyes. I hated that. I hated that look she was giving me. I didn't need someone feeling bad because i lost the love of my life. I needed someone, someone like Bryn. To put there hands on my face and tell me that i need to be a man. That i need to be strong because Bryn would want me to act like one. I smiled to myself as i thought of this.

"Hi mom" I replied sounding more monotone then i would except.

"How are you feeling" She asked softly as she rested her hand on my shoulder.

"How are you supposed to feel after watching the love of your life die right before you eyes" I asked my mom in a sarcastic tone laced with anger and exhaustion.

"I know how close you guys were" She admitted as she looked at the ground.

"Mom i loved her with everything i had in me" I shouted as i banged my hand against my chest.

"I know, i could see it in the way you two looked at each other" She smiled to herself.

"Mom i can't do this" I said as all these feelings came crashing on me. I felt so many emotions all at once that i didn't know how to react to it. I wrapped my arms around my mom as i cried on her shoulder as she pushed my hair back with her hands.

"It's gonna be okay" She whispered in my ear as she lead me outside and to our car. I looked back and saw Emily and Brett hugging eachother as they sat on the ground.

"Hang on" I said as i turned around and walked back to them.

"Can we make a promise to each other that we will always be friends, for Bryn" I asked as i looked from Brett to Emily. They're faces were both puffy with tears and there eyes were red and bloodshot. They looked broken and there was no doubt in my mind that i looked the same.

"For Bryn" Emily nodded as she grabbed Brett's hand.

"For Bryn" Brett nodded in agreement as she looked at Emily. I pulled them in for a hug and just sat there crying and hugging eachother for what felt like five minutes, but was probably only about a minute long.

"Call me if you need anything" I whispered to them before i stood up and headed to my moms car.

When we got home i instantly went to my room, shut my door, and layed down in my bed. I sobbed into my sheets for probably hours after that. I wasn't really sure what the time was. But i managed to fall asleep and when i woke up it was dark in my room. I felt so cold and alone. I wanted nothing more than to just be able to call Bryn up and hear her voice, or climb through her window and cuddle with her as i listened to her little snore. I picked up my phone and dialled her number.

"Hi Kyle, incase you need a reminder, i love you" She started, "Forever and Always" then there was a pause before the phone beeped. I sat there listening to silence on the other end of the phone. I don't exactly know what i was waiting for but eventually i hung up the call and set my phone on the night stand. I smiled to myself remembering the day she changed it. We were laying in bed and she was trying to figure out what her voicemail should be for her new phone. I smirked knowing that it was my idea. It was last piece of her that i felt like i had.

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