Chapter Twelve

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"What happened" Brett and Emily asked me as we walked into school. Meaning they clearly hadn't overheard our conversations.

"I'm done" I snapped. The both looked at each other before looking back at me.

"What happened" Emily asked lightly.

"Yesterday he gave me this big speech about how he cared about me and how he feels like he need to protect me, but when i need protecting, he just stands there" I replied.

"It's kind of hard to stand up to someone, when everyone's looking at you" Brett admitted lightly.

"I don't care, cause i would do that for you, and you, and Kyle" I explained as i looked from Brett, to Emily, and then to Kyle who was still standing outside in the rain. I remained looking at him as he stood there the rain drenching him. Why wasn't he moving? I turned my body as i rested my forehead against the window just watching as he stood out there.

"What is he doing" I whispered to myself.

"Come on, we got to get back to class" Brett explained as she grabbed my arm. I stood in front of the door and then looked to the ground with a sigh. As i turned around to head down the hall.


After school i was headed to my house when i saw Camille flirting with some guy on the football team. I was eating a slushy that Emily was nice enough to bring me when she left early for her orthodontist appointment. The slushy was melted by now and i had no intentions of drinking it.

"Hey Camille" I called as i walked up to her. She turned around and her smile fell.

"Oh it's you" She replied.

"Snarky" I smiled sarcastically.

"Excuse me" She asked?

"I said, Snarky" I repeated as i put my face closer to hers.

"You better watch what you say to me" She replied getting closer.

"Or what" I asked? She pushed me back and i started to laugh. That's really the best she could do? She turned around and started talking to the boy again. I took the opportunity to calmly spill the remaining contents in the cup on her head. She gasped as she turned around with the blue juice dripping down her face and soaking her hair. She shoved me and i fell back, surprised that she had managed to knock me down. I smirked at her from where i was sitting before i got up and pushed her back. This turned into a fight where hair was pulled, and punches were thrown. The punches thrown by me and the hair pulled by Camille. We were pulled of each other by strong arms as i tried to break loose of their grip.

"Bryn stop" I heard a familiar voice say in my ear. I stopped trying to break free and turned around to look at the voice i already knew the owner of.

"Kyle" I started, "Let go of me" I said looking him in the eyes. He let go and we stood there before I pushed past people.

"Bitch" Camille called. I turned around and glared at her.

"I'm the bitch" I asked? She nodded as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Do you not realize that you bully people day in and day out. You constantly put me down, and you constantly put others down. You pick at their insecurities and you make there lives hell, just for the selfish satisfaction of making yourself feel better," I started, "I may be a bitch, but i think that's better than being a bully" I admitted.

"Bravo" She clapped before she glared at me.

"Excuse me" I asked?

"You think that's gonna make people like you any better" She asked?

"No, but they sure as hell aren't going to like you" I smiled before turning around walking passed the people in the crowd that had gathered.

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