Chapter Fifteen

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At first i just stood there staring at him. Then i shook my head realizing what he said.

"It would?" I asked sounding surprised.

"Why are you so surprised?" He asked.

"Because it's surprising" I admitted with a hint of attitude. It wasn't intentional but it just kind of came out.

"But why?" He asked clearly ignoring the hint of attitude i used.

"Because i'm just me, nothing special" I explained.

"Well you're special to me" He admitted. I looked at the ground as a slight blush grew on my face.

"I need to talk to you" Emily said walking up to me in a rush. I looked at Kyle and he just nodded before heading off down the hallway.

"What is it" I asked?

"Brett" She replied.

"What about her" I asked?

"She stuck up for you, against Camille" Emily started and just then Brett came around the corner, with a black eye.

"Oh my gosh Brett" I shrieked as i ran up to her.

"You should see Camille" Brett smiled. I gave her a big hug and couldn't help but smile.

"You did that for me" I asked?

"Yup" She replied.

"I love you, you idiot" I smiled.

"I love you too" She smiled. Just then the lunch bell rang and Emily and I headed to class, while Brett went to the office.

After class we managed to catch her as she was going to her locker.

"What happened" We both asked.

"Suspended for two days" She explained.

"Oh my gosh Brett, you really didn't have to do that for me" I replied.

"Yes i did" She started, "Plus it was totally worth it" She laughed.

"Brett" We heard another voice call. We looked to the owner of the voice to see Brett's mom standing there with a stern look on her face.

"Wish me luck" Brett rolled her eyes.

"Good luck" Emily and I both said in unison. When i looked at the clock i realized we had 2 minutes before next period started. I quickly said goodbye to Emily before sprinting down the hall to my next class. But before i got to the door i saw Kyle and his friend talking. I wondered why he wasn't heading to class. Kyle wasn't one to normally ditch, he wasn't that stereotypical. Instead of going straight to class i walked behind a locker to listen in on what they were saying.

Kyle's Point of View

"Hey man" I heard my best friend Alex say.

"Hey" I replied.

"You've been spending a lot a time with that Bryn girl" He explained.

"Yeah, she's pretty chill" I replied.

"You tap that?" He smirked.

"No" I replied. I didn't like the way he was talking about Bryn. She wasn't like all the other girls at this school, she was different, and i kind of liked that.

"Well why not" He asked?

"She's not like that" I replied.

"Whipped" He laughed

"Whatever" I said as i shook my head. Alex didn't believe in settling down or actually getting to know the person. He was more of a one night stand every night kind of guy. I wasn't really like that, but he was my best friend.

"Can't tell me you're not thinking about it" He grinned.

"How could i not?" I admitted.

"You're just reeling her in" Alex laughed. i shrugged

"I'm such a good influence on you" He laughed. If i said i wasn't then he would bug me about it and i wasn't really in the mood with everything that's been going on. Luckily the bell was about to ring and i just happened to have this class with Bryn. That girl seriously didn't understand how beautiful she was. God, she drives me crazy.

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