Chapter Eighteen

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When i woke up i was laying in my bed. But there was no Kyle. My first thought was that it was a dream. But I could smell Kyle's cologne on me and looked down and realized i was wearing his jacket.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes before i got up. I took a drink of water that was sitting on my nightstand before i set it back down. My phone was laying on the floor by the side of my bed and when I bent down to pick it up I realized how sore my neck felt. I checked for any text messages and realized I had three, one from Kyle, Emily, and Brett.

Emily; Going to the game tonight B ?

Brett; Can't go to the game cause i'm suspended, but have fun for me love <3

Kyle; Left early for practice before the game. Hope you come..

I sighed as i put my phone on my night stand. Should i go to the game ? Seeing Kyle cry last night broke my heart. But i still felt that not being his friend would be better for him. Maybe i need and second opinion?

"Hey Emily do you want to hang out, my mom can come pick you up" I suggested.

"Sure, that sounds cool" she replied.


"Why are we at the hospital" Emily asked when she walked into my room.

"Hey Emily" I said feeling bittersweet about the fact that she was standing in front of me. It wasn't that i just wanted answers about Kyle, but i felt like i needed to tell her.

"Hello ?" She asked as she took a seat on my bed. I stood standing there not knowing how to start the conversation.

"Please tell me you're not pregnant" Emily explained noticing that something was off about me.

"Oh god no" I said quickly.

"Well then this doesn't make sense" She asked sounding majorly confused. I felt tears brimming in my eyes causing me to quickly turn around and face away from her.

"What's wrong" she said standing in front of me and putting her hands on my shoulders. Her face had worry, and fear written in them. But i knew i had to tell her. I looked at the ground before looking up at her. The lump forming in my throat was making it hard to form words. I didn't know how to say it, to were it wouldn't sound that bad. But you can't really put i'm dying in a good way.

"Remember when i past out at the game?" I asked.

"Yeah" She said slowly, "Because you were dehydrated"

"I wasn't dehydrated" I started slowly as i made eye contact with her for a split second before looking back at the ground. I could feel the lump getting tighter and tighter making it harder and harder for me to talk. The tears were stinging my eyes and i tried so hard to not let them fall.

"What's wrong?" She asked as her voice came out shaky.

"They had to do a neurological test on me, because they didn't find a common reason for why i passed out. Like anemia or dehydration" I started as my voice came out wavered. I looked at Emily and saw that her eyes were closed and she had a tear running down her cheek. She knew something was wrong. It was like an elephant in the room that we were, in a way, trying to avoid.

"And they found something" I said as a tear ran down my own cheek and my voice cracked causing me to let out a sob.

"Are you okay?" She asked as her voice came out just as shaky as mine. I could tell she was trying to be strong, but by the look in her eyes i could tell she was freaking out.

"I have high-grade glioma, which is a tumor in my brain" I admitted. She gasped as more tears fell from her eyes as well as mine.

"Are you going to be okay, are you getting treatment?" She asked as her voice got deeper from crying.

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