My little Teacher

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Brenda:Focous Michael, think of me and say somethingin your mind.

"Am trying!" I yelled at her.

Brenda: Dont say it, think it! She yelled back giving me a headache.

Mike: God my head hurts.

Brenda: You did it! Do it again!

Mike: Can you hear me?
She squealed hugging me and squealing again.

" you alright? Mom ask walking into the living room. We nodded and went back to our giggling fit. Am either seeing things or getting old...i like seeing things better. I did the same to Brandon and was happy with my results.


"Foods ready" our parents called.

God i hate that bell. I ran to the door only to meet Carl.

"Sup, what you doing here?" He looked miserable and tired.

" to tell you I- nvm (sorry i forgot how to spell 😅) i should go, its not important." He walked away, I tried calling him but he didn't respond. Your probably wondering why i didn't just read his mind.. correct? Well its called privacy plus what was on his mind is non-none-nome..lets just go with non of my business.

"Who was at the door?" Dad asks as i enter the dining room.

"One of Ace friends, but he left." Hey theirs no point in lying, who knows they could probably read minds too. I ate my dinner every now and then the twins would- say, think I dont think i guess- think something to make each other laugh. Plus the looks on our parents face added to my crazy laugh. You know the one were you fall of the chair and your plate of food comes crashing on you.

Ok this is update one of two for the day. At school its a holding day means sitting in one class for practically the whole day doing work but i finish mines in time to do other things, aftwr they give me work to do so.......

Hoped you kinda enjoyed

Oh yea so i cant decide if Carl our lonely friend likes Michael or Ace either way it affects his and Ace relationship in a way.

Comment vote do what ever you like.

Till idont know am 12 or 2 pm

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